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Scale on EPS drops colors

Posted: 2010-11-10T08:45:34-07:00
by zeroeight15
Have a problem when scaling some types of EPS:
This is one of the EPS:
And this is the command I use:

Code: Select all

convert "ZFKlogo.eps" -scale 32% -colorspace RGB "ZFKlogo.jpg"
What happens:
The logo has 3 letters 'ZfK'. Z and K are drawn with transparent color black, f is (background) white
The black letters are dropped when using above command. No matter which output format (jpeg, png....)
If the command is given WITHOUT '-scale 32%' then all is well.
Using OSX 10.5.8 and ImageMagick 6.6.5, Ghostscript 8.70 or 9.00

The same command, including -scale 32%, works fine with older IM 6.5.5

Have more of such 'failing' EPS, most of them are logos or drawings created with Adobe Illustrator. All of them convert/scale fine with IM 6.5.5.

Any advice?

Re: Scale on EPS drops colors

Posted: 2010-11-10T10:24:04-07:00
by magick
Edit the delegates.xml configuration file and change the "pam" device to "pnm". There is either a bug in Ghostscript's PAM device or there is one in ImageMagick. We're investigating.

Re: Scale on EPS drops colors

Posted: 2010-11-10T12:02:16-07:00
by zeroeight15
YES! Thanks a lot! safed my day!
changing the line's sDEVICE
<delegate decode="ps:cmyk" stealth="True" command... -sDEVICE=pam ....
from device 'pam' to 'pnm' now actually seems to work for ALL the EPS files.

Just to mention: I have made many many tests, the result seems to be, that the Ghostscript version 8.7 AND the newest available 9.00 work fine with IM 6.6.5 after changing above mentioned line.
Thanks again

Re: Scale on EPS drops colors

Posted: 2010-11-10T19:51:35-07:00
by magick
We can reproduce the problem you posted and have a patch in ImageMagick 6.6.5-8, available now for download. Thanks.

Re: Scale on EPS drops colors

Posted: 2010-11-11T06:08:25-07:00
by zeroeight15
YES, Thanks! problem solved.