Semi-transparent area in PSD turns white

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Semi-transparent area in PSD turns white

Post by rowaasr13 »

Tested using ImageMagick 6.6.3 and ImageMagick Studio 6.6.4 on this site at 2010-09-27.

Source files: - armor base. - metal bands.

The problem:
Both images have semi-transparent shadows around them that somehow convert into white border/aura after any operations with ImageMagick. It becomes very clear when you try to compose bands over base.
Here's correct result (cropped screenshot from Photoshop): Note the very visible dark shadow under top metal plate. GIMP, for comparison, gives pretty much same image:
And here's screenshot that demonstrates problem with IM and IM Studio (input->armor_04.psd, composite->armor_05.psd): Shadow under top plate is whiteish/gray color and same gray color is also clearly visible under bottom plates as well.

Just for note: composite itself is not a problem and only used here to provide a good background for faulty shadow. This gray aura instead of shadow is visible on single images simply loaded from .psd and resaved through ImageMagick's Perl interface, for example. So problem must be in incorrect interpretation of semi-transparent areas in .psd.

Re: Semi-transparent area in PSD turns white

Post by rowaasr13 »

Seems to be related or same as in: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=17012

Re: Semi-transparent area in PSD turns white

Post by rowaasr13 »

I worked around this problem by using GIMP's batch mode to pre-process PSD to PNG, and then performing rest of manipulations with IM. Shadows are now as they should, which shows that IM reads PNG correctly and PSD incorrectly.
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Re: Semi-transparent area in PSD turns white

Post by anthony »

You are right in that IM is showing a semi-transparent white halo in the PSD image, while Gimp does not.

This is a bug.
Anthony Thyssen -- Webmaster for ImageMagick Example Pages
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Re: Semi-transparent area in PSD turns white

Post by magick »

We can reproduce the problem you reported and have a patch in ImageMagick 6.6.5-8 Beta available by sometime tomorrow. Thanks.
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