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How to implement deinterlace "weave + bob" in C ?

Posted: 2010-09-16T09:51:41-07:00
by eesutton
This is off topic. I ask the question here because of the imaging expertise found on this forum. For interlaced video I have implemented bob and weave deinterlace methods in C. As expected, the weave method looks bad when objects are moving and bob (line doubling) cuts vertical resolution in half. I have seen mentioned a combined approach called "weave + bob" that is suppose to achieve decent results but do not understand what the implementation would be.

Any clues on how to approach a "weave + bob" deinterlace implementation in C ?

Thanks in advance,


Re: How to implement deinterlace "weave + bob" in C ?

Posted: 2010-09-16T10:26:52-07:00
by fmw42

Re: How to implement deinterlace "weave + bob" in C ?

Posted: 2010-09-16T11:35:16-07:00
by eesutton
Thanks but I have and already seen most all of these links. However on second look at the Altera description, that may work for me.

Thanks again,


Re: How to implement deinterlace "weave + bob" in C ?

Posted: 2010-09-16T11:53:27-07:00
by dproc
If its from a video then the information in the previous & next frames is VERY valuable. If so then you might try his filter with virtualdub:

Re: How to implement deinterlace "weave + bob" in C ?

Posted: 2010-09-16T12:07:41-07:00
by Drarakel
The "Smart Deinterlacer" from Donald Graft is not a bobbing filter. But eesutton could take a glance at the sources of some 'smart bob' implementations from those AviSynth/VirtualDub gurus:
Don't know if that helps you with your own code...

Re: How to implement deinterlace "weave + bob" in C ?

Posted: 2010-09-16T18:50:37-07:00
by anthony
Look at the command line deinterlace examples,
and create the C equivelent! Should be simple enough!

Note for BoB use the second "composition" method.
Whether you get black or white depends on if you use "screen" or "multiply"
to get the other frame, roll the overlay template.

Re: How to implement deinterlace "weave + bob" in C ?

Posted: 2010-09-16T20:18:28-07:00
by Drarakel
Well, eesutton wrote that he already has a bob method. I have the impression that he wants a (not too difficult) 'smart bob' method (or 'weave+bob') - that interpolates (or doubles) the lines in moving areas and just uses the previous field in static areas.

Re: How to implement deinterlace "weave + bob" in C ?

Posted: 2010-09-16T20:56:32-07:00
by anthony
That is also covered in IM examples, after the simplier bob methods

Re: How to implement deinterlace "weave + bob" in C ?

Posted: 2010-09-17T07:53:51-07:00
by Drarakel
anthony wrote:That is also covered in IM examples
An automatic solution, that analyzes the fields and applies different methods to different regions of one field??
One could try to mimic that with ImageMagick, but I think that eesutton doesn't need an ImageMagick solution anyway - but a standalone C program ("off topic").