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Set My Own Software name to Creation Software property.

Posted: 2010-09-16T02:25:43-07:00
by wizards
Hi All.
I am using image magick library and visual C++ for my task.
I built image magick library with 16 bit.
I am loading TIF image with the following image properties.

Width:1828 pixels
Height:778 pixels
Horizontal resolution: 72 dpi
Vertical Resolution: 72 dpi
Bit depth: 0
Frame Count:1
Creation Software: Adobe Photo shop CS2 Windows.

After that i am applying some changes to image and then save image with the following code.


After this my image properties will change into the following.

Width:1828 pixels
Height:778 pixels
Horizontal resolution: 72 dpi
Vertical Resolution: 72 dpi
Bit depth: 8
Frame Count: 1
Creation Software: Image Magick 6.62.

Here Creation Software Property was changed to ImageMagick 6.62.

How can i set My own Software name to creation Software property field?

Please any one help me.

Thanks in advance.

Re: Set My Own Software name to Creation Software property.

Posted: 2010-09-16T18:11:41-07:00
by dproc
I know virtually nothing about IM so I was waiting to see an answer. But since its been a while...

In a pinch you might try running a text search and replace (that doesn't mind binary files) and replace that "Image Magick 6.62" in the binary file with new text exactly the same length. Even if there's a checksum for that part of the TIF data (no idea if there is) you might still be able to read and/or repair it with a forgiving image reader. Yes, this isn't they way you'd want to do it in the big city.

Re: Set My Own Software name to Creation Software property.

Posted: 2010-09-16T18:58:18-07:00
by magick
Look for a patch in ImageMagick 6.6.4-3 Beta that supports -set tiff:software "My Company".

Re: Set My Own Software name to Creation Software property.

Posted: 2010-09-16T19:23:37-07:00
by anthony
that is a syntax error it shoudl be...

-define tiff:software="My Software"

However you can also use -set which allows you to use image attribute percent escapes too

-set option:tiff:software "My Image %wx%h"

Hmmm, can we have a %[version] percent escape for the current IM version number?

Re: Set My Own Software name to Creation Software property.

Posted: 2010-09-16T23:49:20-07:00
by wizards
Thanks for your replies.
But I Have Only ImageMagick-6.6.2 version,Please tell me how can i update or install ImageMagick 6.6.4-3 Beta Patch.

Re: Set My Own Software name to Creation Software property.

Posted: 2010-09-17T02:21:39-07:00
by wizards
I searched for ImageMagick 6.6.4-3 ,But the latest release of ImageMagick version 6.6.4-2. is Only available in ImageMagick Website.
Can any one please help to get ImageMagick 6.6.4-3.version. And How can i install this?

Re: Set My Own Software name to Creation Software property.

Posted: 2010-09-17T05:49:25-07:00
by magick
ImageMagick 6.6.4-3 is a Beta release. It will be a week or two before its a production release. You can find the Beta here:

Re: Set My Own Software name to Creation Software property.

Posted: 2010-09-20T01:01:00-07:00
by Drarakel
Setting a custom "Software" tag in TIFF works in the latest IM versions. With '-set tiff:software "text"'. Thanks for that. (By the way: With '-define', it doesn't work for me.)

But the 'normal' ImageMagick version string that usually got created with commands like "convert logo: logo.tif" has disappeared now. Was this intended? Just curious..

Re: Set My Own Software name to Creation Software property.

Posted: 2010-09-20T03:36:20-07:00
by wizards
Thanks for your replies..

But i am working on VC++ language not on script language.
Please help me in this code in VC++ programming.

Re: Set My Own Software name to Creation Software property.

Posted: 2010-09-20T04:12:30-07:00
by wizards
Hi All..

I downloaded ImageMagick-6.6.2 version from
I can unpack the distribution with WinZip.
Next, launch Visual Studio IDE and choose Open->Project. Select the configure workspace from the ImageMagick-6.6.2/VisualMagick/configure folder and press Open. Choose Build->Build Solution to compile the program and on completion run the program.
Press Next and click on the multi-threaded static build. I am using Visual Studio 8. Now press, on Next twice and finally Finish. The configuration utility just created a workspace required to build ImageMagick from source. Choose Open->Project and select the VisualStaticMT workspace from the ImageMagick-6.6.2/VisualMagick/ folder. Finally, choose Build->Build Solution to compile and build the ImageMagick distribution.

But in ImageMagick-6.6.4-3 version, VisualMagick folder is not available then how can i install this version on my windows.
And How can i know the detail explanation about this ImageMagick 6.6.4-3 Beta version?

"Look for a patch in ImageMagick 6.6.4-3 Beta that supports -define tiff:software "My Company"."
From above line, what is the meaning of 'patch' And How can i write this ("-define tiff:software "My Company"") code in my VC++ programming.

Re: Set My Own Software name to Creation Software property.

Posted: 2010-09-20T06:07:30-07:00
by Drarakel
As I said: Even on the commandline, "-define tiff:software="My Company"" doesn't work at the moment. But "-set tiff:software "My Company"" works. (Well, at least with my installation of the regular Win32 Q16 binary of version 6.6.4-4.)
Visual C++? Hmm.. The syntax from Magick++? If yes, then maybe something like "image.attribute("tiff:software", "My Company");" could be the equivalent. But that's just a guess. Someone who's actually using Magick++/VC++ should give the hints for that.

Re: Set My Own Software name to Creation Software property.

Posted: 2010-09-20T07:09:47-07:00
by anthony
Applogies, It was defined as a per image attribute (properity) rather than as a global 'artifact' for all images.

That is the differnece between -set and -define (or the -set option:... equivelent)
See IM Examples, Basics, Image Properities and Artifacts

Basically it means that that specific setting can be different for each images in memory. (like labels, delay and dispose settings).

Re: Set My Own Software name to Creation Software property.

Posted: 2010-12-21T04:23:08-07:00
by wizards
Hi All.

I am using image magick library and visual C++ for my task.

I built image magick library (Image magick 6.6.5)with 16 bit.

I am loading TIF image with the following image property.

Creation Software: Adobe Photo shop CS2 Windows.

After that i am applying some changes to image and then save image with the following code.

m_Image.attribute( "tiff:Software", "company name" );

After this my image property will change into the following.

Creation Software:company name.

The above code "m_Image.attribute( "tiff:Software", "company name" );" is working good only for tiff images.

How can i change same property for all image formats.i.e JPEG, DPx,PNG,BMP or GIFF etc.

Please help me anyone to get this solution.

Thanks in advance.

Re: Set My Own Software name to Creation Software property.

Posted: 2010-12-21T04:23:28-07:00
by wizards
Hi All.

I am using image magick library and visual C++ for my task.

I built image magick library (Image magick 6.6.5)with 16 bit.

I am loading TIF image with the following image property.

Creation Software: Adobe Photo shop CS2 Windows.

After that i am applying some changes to image and then save image with the following code.

m_Image.attribute( "tiff:Software", "company name" );

After this my image property will change into the following.

Creation Software:company name.

The above code "m_Image.attribute( "tiff:Software", "company name" );" is working good only for tiff images.

How can i change same property for all image formats.i.e JPEG, DPx,PNG,BMP or GIFF etc.

Please help me anyone to get this solution.

Thanks in advance.

Re: Set My Own Software name to Creation Software property.

Posted: 2010-12-21T04:23:57-07:00
by wizards
Hi All.

I am using image magick library and visual C++ for my task.

I built image magick library (Image magick 6.6.5)with 16 bit.

I am loading TIF image with the following image property.

Creation Software: Adobe Photo shop CS2 Windows.

After that i am applying some changes to image and then save image with the following code.

m_Image.attribute( "tiff:Software", "company name" );

After this my image property will change into the following.

Creation Software:company name.

The above code "m_Image.attribute( "tiff:Software", "company name" );" is working good only for tiff images.

How can i change same property for all image formats.i.e JPEG, DPx,PNG,BMP or GIFF etc.

Please help me anyone to get this solution.

Thanks in advance.