missing defines in docs

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missing defines in docs

Post by fmw42 »

The section at http://www.imagemagick.org/script/comma ... php#define seems to be missing a few define and perhaps there are more that I am not aware that have been added recently.

-define histogram:unique-colors=false

This has been noted by Anthony at http://www.imagemagick.org/Usage/files/#histogram

and in the changelog as

2010-04-17 6.6.1-5 Cristy <quetzlzacatenango@image...>
For the histogram: format, if you have no need for the unique color list, use <kbd>-define histogram:unique-colors=false</kbd> to forego this expensive operation.

2010-06-28 6.6.2-10 Cristy <quetzlzacatenango@image...>
Support the tiff:fill-order define.

2009-11-01 6.5.7-4 Cristy <quetzlzacatenango@image...>
Use -define delegate:bimodal=true to activate any bimodal delegates.

Is this also relevant?

2007-10-23 6.3.6-4 Anthony <anthony@griffith...>
'verbose' filter plotting output using -define "filter:verbose"

2007-02-20 6.3.2-8 Cristy <quetzlzacatenango@image...>
Use -define quantum:polarity=min-is-black or -define quantum:polarity=min-is-white to toggle the photometric interpretation for a bilevel TIFF image.

Are there others?

Could the options page be updated for any missing -define operations?

It might also be nice to have a

convert -list define

to list out all the possibilities. But this is not urgent if the options page is kept up to date
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Re: missing defines in docs

Post by anthony »

It is probably missing a LOT of defines.

Remember any 'option setting' also sets an artifact (whcih is what define sets)

EG; -set option:{artifact} {value}
is the same as -define {artifact}={value}

For example -define compose:args=50%
is also posible!

Many many defines (and settings) are available, and this are more typically listed with the operator that makes use of it. Image file format defines (artifacts) are the ones that really have no formal place to be specified, (other than in the headers of the individual 'coder' modules).
Anthony Thyssen -- Webmaster for ImageMagick Example Pages
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