can create jpg from 2nd page of pdf, but not first

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can create jpg from 2nd page of pdf, but not first

Post by travelgeek »

I can create a thumbnail of the 2nd page of using the following command:

convert test.pdf[1] -resize 30% -crop +0-160 -quality 90 test.jpg

However, I receive this error...

convert: Postscript delegate failed `test.pdf'.
convert: missing an image filename `test.jpg'.

...when I try to create a thumbnail of the first page using "convert test.pdf[0] -resize 30% -crop +0-160 -quality 90 test.jpg". I'm thinking it may be due to the image used on the page, so I've tried adding "-colorspace rgb -units PixelsPerInch" options, but nothing seems to work.

Using PHP Version 4.3.9 and ImageMagick 6.0.7 07/25/08 Q16.

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Re: can create jpg from 2nd page of pdf, but not first

Post by magick »

Your PDF converted without complaint for use. We're using ImageMagick 6.6.2-6 and Ghostscript 8.71.

Re: can create jpg from 2nd page of pdf, but not first

Post by travelgeek »

Thanks for your help. I'll see if we can get upgraded.
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