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possible bug with montage IM 6.6.1-10

Posted: 2010-05-17T19:37:16-07:00
by fmw42
IM 6.6.1-10 Q16 Mac OSX Tiger.

Not sure if this is a bug, but montage does not seem to support transparency in images.

convert logo: -resize 50% -transparent white logo2t.png

montage logo2t.png logo2t.png logo2t.png logo2t.png -channel rgba -alpha on -geometry +10+10 -tile 2x2 logo2t_montage.png

Resulting image has no transparency. Is this a bug? Or am I misunderstanding something about montage?

This works, so I guess I just needed to use -background none

montage logo2t.png logo2t.png logo2t.png logo2t.png -background none -geometry +10+10 -tile 2x2 logo2t_montage.png

But it would be nice to have transparent images with other color fill between the images.