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error unabletoreadfont when using montage command

Posted: 2010-05-13T08:25:44-07:00
by patayou
Hi imagemagick users,

I got a strange error when using the montage commande :
"montage: UnableToReadFont `(null)' @ annotate.c/RenderFreetype/1024."

My command does not use the annotate attribute so I don't understand what I'm doing wrong ?

Here is my complete code line : (called from a perl script, and from the webhosting infomaniak with Perlmagic via Imagemagick 6.3.9)
system "/opt/misc/imagemagick/bin/montage -limit memory 0 -limit map 0 pan_h.jpg pan_h.jpg pan_h.jpg pan_h.jpg pan_h.jpg pan_h.jpg pan_h.jpg pan_h.jpg pan_h.jpg pan_h.jpg pan_h.jpg pan_h.jpg -size 80x60 -tile 4x3 -geometry +0+0 montage.png";

The result is OK, the file montage.png is created and has the montage has been done correctly.

And for information : on my local computer (under windows 7) I don't have this message.

So if someone one has a solution or an idea of a test I can do ?


Sorry for my english.


Re: error unabletoreadfont when using montage command

Posted: 2010-05-28T11:03:12-07:00
by patayou
hi !

nobody here ?

I still get this error.

please help !

Re: error unabletoreadfont when using montage command

Posted: 2010-05-28T11:11:15-07:00
by snibgo
Have you tried an upgrade?

Re: error unabletoreadfont when using montage command

Posted: 2010-06-03T04:02:53-07:00
by patayou

thanks for the reply.
I can't upgrade the imagemagick version, imagemagick is installed by my hoster.

You mean there is a bug in the version I use ?

Re: error unabletoreadfont when using montage command

Posted: 2010-06-03T23:33:56-07:00
by anthony
More than likely the 'type.xml' file which defines the location of font files is out of date.

Either specify the font file directly using

-font /path/to/directory/containing/this/font.ttf

or rebuild the text.xml file.

A script "imagick_type_gen" located in
is designed to generate type.xml type files that can replace the system file, or
be 'included' into that file.

Read the header of the script, try it, then ask more questions.

Re: error unabletoreadfont when using montage command

Posted: 2010-07-04T06:51:13-07:00
by patayou

Thanks for the answer but my command did not use any font !
So I cannot use the -font attribute to specify the font (because I don't know which one is used (cf. null))

However I failed to generate the type.xml, I'm on a shared server, I don't have access to the file directory.

Is there no other trick that can made it ?

Re: error unabletoreadfont when using montage command

Posted: 2010-07-04T07:58:09-07:00
by snibgo
The result is OK, the file montage.png is created and has the montage has been done correctly.
So, what is the problem? ImageMagick may not be properly installed, but it works.

Re: error unabletoreadfont when using montage command

Posted: 2010-07-04T23:03:12-07:00
by anthony
Yes it IM should be able to use a default font at the minimum. If It can't do that then it is not installed properly.

Maybe it was installed as a "uninstalled" version. that means it requires a "MAGICK_HOME" environment variable to determine where the configuration files are located. Without them it will be unable to locate font, or even color names.

On the other hand it will also initialize faster :-)