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convert -list exits with return-code of 1

Posted: 2010-05-06T00:23:20-07:00
by bablokb

running the -list operator of convert (e.g. convert -list colorspace) will result in a return-code of 1. Since there is no error-condition, a return-code of 0 is expected.


Re: convert -list exits with return-code of 1

Posted: 2010-05-06T08:39:00-07:00
by fmw42
works fine on IM 6.6.1-5 Q16 Mac OSX tiger. what version of IM are you using? if old, then consider upgrading. also is there a possibility that you have more than one IM version on your system and they are getting confused.

Re: convert -list exits with return-code of 1

Posted: 2010-05-07T01:26:10-07:00
by bablokb
Sorry, my version is

ImageMagick 6.5.4-8 2009-10-24 Q16 OpenMP (only version on my system).

running on linux kernel (32bit).

I will try an upgrade, but usually this is not always feasible due to distribution-dependencies. A confirmation that a newer version runs correctly under linux would be helpful.

Thanks, Bernhard

Re: convert -list exits with return-code of 1

Posted: 2010-05-07T05:43:18-07:00
by magick
We can reproduce the problem you posted and have a patch to fix it. Look for it in the next point release of ImageMagick available within a few days. Thanks.

Re: convert -list exits with return-code of 1

Posted: 2010-05-07T08:57:00-07:00
by Drarakel
Not the same problem, but also about "convert -list" (don't want to start a new thread for this):

When I type "convert -list Module", I get that list, but I also get the following message at the end (with IM v6.6.1-5):

Code: Select all

convert: image coder signature mismatch `XTRN':   d09f50 !=    66110 @ error/module.c/OpenModule/1271.
Can I safely ignore that?

And the eh.. list of the list types in the documentation seems to be cut off. (Or was it deliberately shortened?) ... s.php#list

Re: convert -list exits with return-code of 1

Posted: 2010-05-07T09:16:28-07:00
by fmw42
at ... s.php#list

convert -list list

will generate that full list.

convert -list type

is something completely different.

The word type in red italics means to choose one of the following names in the list that follows.

I have no problems with the result of

convert -list Module

and no error message with IM 6.6.1-5 Q16 Mac OSX Tiger

Re: convert -list exits with return-code of 1

Posted: 2010-05-07T11:47:18-07:00
by Drarakel
fmw42 wrote:convert -list list
I know. But it seemed odd to me that when it says "Choose from these list types", that only the lower half of the result of "convert -list list" is presented there.

Re: convert -list exits with return-code of 1

Posted: 2010-05-07T12:06:17-07:00
by fmw42
I now see what you mean. I will see if I can fix that later today. it is a documentation problem not as I thought a convert -list list issue.

Re: convert -list exits with return-code of 1

Posted: 2010-05-07T14:25:03-07:00
by fmw42
I have updated this list according to what I get from convert -list list in IM 6.6.1-5 Q16 Mac OSX Tiger. It may take a day to filter down to the normal site.

Re: convert -list exits with return-code of 1

Posted: 2010-05-08T08:50:40-07:00
by Drarakel
Thanks! (The list in the documentation is now also identical to my "convert -list list" output.)