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Identify.exe reports incorrect DPI

Posted: 2010-03-30T05:50:24-07:00
by Ruvan
Hi all

I'm experiencing several images where ImageMagick identify reports incorrect DPI.

For this particular incident, ImageMagick reports 44 DPI with command: "identify -format %x [file]"

Windows explorer and Photoshop report 300dpi.

The image can be found here:

Thanks for your help.


Re: Identify.exe reports incorrect DPI

Posted: 2010-03-30T08:48:49-07:00
by el_supremo
Paint Shop Pro X3 also reports 44dpi but Windows Explorer does indeed claim 300dpi.


Re: Identify.exe reports incorrect DPI

Posted: 2010-03-30T12:03:54-07:00
by Ruvan
Oh dear, forgot to mention something about versions (forgive me)
Win7, 64bit pro.
ImageMagick-6.6.0-Q16 (64bit)

Re: Identify.exe reports incorrect DPI

Posted: 2010-03-30T12:07:04-07:00
by magick
We've run a number of open source packages against the image and they all report 44DPI.

Re: Identify.exe reports incorrect DPI

Posted: 2010-03-30T12:31:54-07:00
by Ruvan
magick wrote:We've run a number of open source packages against the image and they all report 44DPI.
I'm not sure how to interpret this statement.

The following two lines of .NET code (which I provide with no restrictions, or limitations) ;-) :

Code: Select all

Image newImage = Image.FromFile(@"c:\temp\tgdpi44Issue.jpg");
MessageBox.Show("DPI: " + newImage.HorizontalResolution);
Report "DPI: 300" when run.

Simply stating that ImageMagick and other open source packages report 44dpi really isn't that helpful.

Since we are talking about DPI, we are talking printing and the printing industry pretty much regards InDesign as the defacto tool for printing, and that tool reports 300 dpi if placed in a document.

So, the question is, what is the correct answer?


Re: Identify.exe reports incorrect DPI

Posted: 2010-03-30T13:54:27-07:00
by fmw42
I will add my two cents. I am on a Mac. I opened your image in Preview, Debabelizer or Pixelmator and it reports 44 dpi. But if I open it in GraphicsConverter, it reports 300dpi.

Is it possible that it contains an imbedded thumbnail and on or the other of the image and thumbnail are at 44dpi and 300dpi respectively?

Re: Identify.exe reports incorrect DPI

Posted: 2010-03-30T14:08:22-07:00
by Ruvan
fmw42 wrote:Is it possible that it contains an imbedded thumbnail and on or the other of the image and thumbnail are at 44dpi and 300dpi respectively?
Seems likely, and I have addressed your question to the image originator and will revert back. The image is used in our DAM and the image was rejected by the DPI requirement, which inspired me to post the issue here.

Thanks for testing on other platforms.