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how to statically link magick++ on windows

Posted: 2010-03-22T06:12:34-07:00
by hakiim35
hello, I have been working with the dll version of ImageMagick and Magick++ for a while. Because of the dynamically linkage of the dlls, it takes long time to build the project.
I think statically linking would solve the problem.
I have downloaded and installed the Q16-static.exe version, but there are no Magick++ related files inside the installation directory.
How can I achieve it on windows xp? Thanks

Re: how to statically link magick++ on windows

Posted: 2010-03-22T15:11:30-07:00
by rich2449
I'm not an expert on image magick, but I would assume that the binary download is exactly what the name suggests, i.e. statically linked, therefore does not contain any external library files in the download.
Typically static linking will increase your total build time, not shorten it. It removes dependencies on the external external dll's, and can shorten application boot time, but will increase total build time due to extra linking.