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ImageMagick-6.6.0-7-Q16-windows-dll hangs unicode 2K3SP1

Posted: 2010-03-19T12:38:36-07:00
by alexeiramone
I'm trying to write unicode text in a DOS window. Please refer to topic viewtopic.php?f=8&t=15813

The problem is that everytime i try to write something with a different character like á é ç or whatever, it HANGS.

I uninstalled previous versions, tried to install this over a previous one but It couldn't overwrite 2 DLLs (imagemagickobject.dll and vc90something.dll) so I uninstalled everything, rebooted, deleted the folder and installed this version from scratch and nothing changed, it continues to hang

Previous versions used to WORK but they didn't print the char like ç. The string cropped in the char. eg: "Ação" printed only "A". Bit it didn't hang. This version hangs.

The only difference i noticed is that i'm using the DLL version instead of Static one. I'll install a static in another folder to see what's going on.

Re: ImageMagick-6.6.0-7-Q16-windows-dll hangs unicode 2K3SP1

Posted: 2010-03-19T12:47:06-07:00
by alexeiramone
The Same happened with STATIC version.

convert -background red -fill black -font arial -kerning -1 -size 190x146 -pointsize 18 -interline-spacing -2 caption:"Creu" x.png

convert -background red -fill black -font arial -kerning -1 -size 190x146 -pointsize 18 -interline-spacing -2 caption:"Créu" x.png

Like I said in the other forum, it used to crop the text, but never hanged. 6.5.8 I think.

Re: ImageMagick-6.6.0-7-Q16-windows-dll hangs unicode 2K3SP1

Posted: 2010-03-19T12:54:31-07:00
by alexeiramone
Hmmmmm I installed the same package in Windows VISTA Ultimate SP2 up-to-date. Same behavior. It simply hangs....

Both Windows are Brazilian Portuguese versions. If you guys need more info, Anthony has my email or whatever you guys prefer. Best regards.

Re: ImageMagick-6.6.0-7-Q16-windows-dll hangs unicode 2K3SP1

Posted: 2010-03-19T12:59:16-07:00
by magick
We can reproduce the problem and will have a patch available in the next point release of ImageMagick. In the mean-time you can use UTF-8 which should work.

Works for label...

Posted: 2010-03-19T13:45:10-07:00
by alexeiramone
This might help

C:\Users\Alexei\Desktop\PNG\x>convert label:ação x.png <--- WORKED!!!

C:\Users\Alexei\Desktop\PNG\x>convert caption:ação x.png
convert: must specify image size `ação' @ error/caption.c/ReadCAPTIONImage/130.
convert: missing an image filename `x.png' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/2941.

C:\Users\Alexei\Desktop\PNG\x>convert -size 300x100 caption:ação x.png

So it works for LABEL but not for CAPTION

Re: ImageMagick-6.6.0-7-Q16-windows-dll hangs unicode 2K3SP1

Posted: 2010-03-19T13:55:23-07:00
by alexeiramone
The UTF Conversion explained in ... r_encoding works in DOS mode, but in my real environment, I can se just a single Call, a Coldfusion <cfexecute> with is pretty much like a single CMD so I can't change codepages.... I guess I'll have to wait for the new patch :-)

BTW All examples in the url I mentioned are mistyped. If you guys could fix them it will be awesome. All 3 examples use label:something.txt or label@something.txt, the correct ones (as you of course know) are label:@something.txt

thanks once again, best regards