W2k8: Distributed IM-Clients - Discovery Problem

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W2k8: Distributed IM-Clients - Discovery Problem

Post by mettbert »


we're facing some curious problems with imagemagick on windows 2008 servers. But a first let me describe our environment:

- 'SRV' (Win2008 Enterprise) is hosting a network-share '\\srv\share\SRC'
- 'ClientA' (Win2008 Standard, ImageMagick 6.6.0-Q16) checking for files (PDF) in \\srv\share\SRC. If a file has found then
he will do a convert to \\srv\share\ClientA.
- 'ClientB' (Win2008 Standard, ImageMagick 6.6.0-Q16) checking for files in \\srv\share\ClientA. If a file has found
the he will do the same (convert) to \\srv\share\ClientB.

So what happens now, is that ClientA is workling properly without any
problems. All files found in SRC-Folder will be converted to ClientA-Folder.
In the next step (Convert by ClientB) ClientB has problems with finding all
files in Client-A folder. Around 20-30% of the files will be found by ClientB
and successfully converted to \\srv\share\ClientB (Note: The Client will be
informed by the Server which file must be converted).

Now the curious thing: If I'll open \\srv\share\ClientA-Folder on ClientB in
explorer while ClientB is converting the files within this folder he will
find ALL files (100%). I've tested this on two different installations and
the behaviour is everywhere the same. All files will be written correctly by
ClientA so the files must be found by ClientB. This happens also with shared
folders located on local and SAN-Disks.

I tried to find a solution from the windows-side but it "looks" like this could be a ImageMagick-Problem. So perhaps somebody of you has an
idea or perhaps the problem is known for some time? :-)

Thanks in advance for your help. If you need any more information - let me know.

Kind Regards

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