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PSD Broke from 6590 to 6602 and PSB not working

Posted: 2010-03-05T16:32:20-07:00
by jmagyari
Since PSB in 6601 was added I beleive some legacy PSD has been broken.

I tested with 6590Q8WINstatic and 6602Q8WINstatic WIN BINARY rel.
I created mpc and cache files then did conversions. Both versions 6590and 6602 generate same mpc and cache files.
then I converted mpc to both psd and psb.

http:\\\im\217100.cache <- 30,208 KB file
http:\\\im\216100.cache <- 29,952 KB file

convert 216100.mpc 216100.psd

Both versions of ImageMagick generated PSD files. CS4 Photoshop was able to open 216100.psd created by 6590 ImageMagick version.
CS4 Photoshop was unable to open both versions of 217100.psd created this is because the files created go beyong the 30,000 height boundary.
The PSB file created was unreadable created by version 6602.
I noticed that when creating PSD and PSB they were same size and same CRC.
When PSD and PSB files are created with same contentin CS4 Photoshop I always see a difference in size.
And they shoud never have same CRC due to Version number should be 2 for PSB, 1 fo PSD. Also there are several locations where PSB lengths are 8 bytes, where PSD has 4 byte length.

The four files above when creating files should allow
2 good PSB files to be created.
1 good PSD (216100 file).
although we create a file with 217100, it will not be able to be opened by Photoshop since it goes across the 30,000 limit, which we do not check for and fail.

All files PSB and PSD in 6602 are bad.
6590 created one valid file 216100.psd

CS4 gave the following error when opening 6602 createde PSD (which previous 6590 version file created was GOOD)
Problem reading the layer data, Read the composite data instead?
Could not complete your request because unexpected end-of-file was encountered.

Please let me know if you need more information.
I use XP, although if you can create PSD and PSB files I can check them in CS4 Photoshop to let you know if they are valid.

Re: PSD Broke from 6590 to 6602 and PSB not working

Posted: 2010-03-05T19:13:04-07:00
by magick
We still have work to do with PSD / PSB. We'll probably get back to this work this weekend.