Interger overflow in TIFFVStripSize @ tiff.c TIFFErrors 493

Post any defects you find in the released or beta versions of the ImageMagick software here. Include the ImageMagick version, OS, and any command-line required to reproduce the problem. Got a patch for a bug? Post it here.
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Interger overflow in TIFFVStripSize @ tiff.c TIFFErrors 493

Post by jmagyari »

I created all these tif files at the bottom with imagemagick OS WINXP Pro SP 3, all updates Pentium 4 CPU 2.53GHz, 2GIG RAM, 3 Terabytes of Hard Drive Space

Version: ImageMagick 6.5.9-0 2010-01-11 Q8
Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2010 ImageMagick Studio LLC
Features: OpenMP

convert -monitor jdmmag441.tif jdmmag451.tif jdmmag461.tif jdmmag471.tif jdmmag481.tif jdmmag491.tif jdmmag501.tif jdmmag511.tif jdmmag521.tif jdmmag531.tif jdmmag541.tif jdmmag551.tif jdmmag561.tif jdmmag571.tif jdmmag581.tif jdmmag591.tif jdmmag601.tif jdmmag611.tif jdmmag621.tif +append jdmmagbig.tif

1) I received the error (LAST 3 lines)
Append image sequence[jdmmag621.tif]: 18 of 19, 100% complete
Save Image [jdmmagbig.tif]: 43519 of 43520, 100% Complete
convert: Interger overflow in TIFFVStripSize. 'jdmmagbig.tif' @ tiff.c/TIFFErrors/493 <------------------------****************************************

using command
2) identify jdmmagbig.tif > lookat.txt <-------------------------------------------------- DOES NOT DIRECT OUTPUT TO LOOKAT.TXT ONLY SCREEN

on screen
identify: Not A Tiff file, bad magic number 20 <0x14>. 'jdmmagbig.tif' @ tiff.c/TIFFErrors/493.

3) identify *.tif
all files except jdmmagbig.tif indicate
TIFF 2560x43520 2560x4356020+0+0 8-bitDirective Class .... If the redirect to stdout worked I could showe results for all files used to create larest file

01/20/2010 16:37 126,483,000 jdmmag441.tif
01/20/2010 16:39 114,543,726 jdmmag451.tif
01/20/2010 16:41 118,448,420 jdmmag461.tif
01/20/2010 16:42 104,586,922 jdmmag471.tif
01/20/2010 16:44 105,287,312 jdmmag481.tif
01/20/2010 16:46 128,247,096 jdmmag491.tif
01/20/2010 16:48 128,858,250 jdmmag501.tif
01/20/2010 16:49 132,443,660 jdmmag511.tif
01/20/2010 16:51 140,274,302 jdmmag521.tif
01/20/2010 16:53 137,331,160 jdmmag531.tif
01/20/2010 16:55 132,167,922 jdmmag541.tif
01/20/2010 16:57 119,545,954 jdmmag551.tif
01/20/2010 16:59 116,719,936 jdmmag561.tif
01/20/2010 17:00 113,701,024 jdmmag571.tif
01/20/2010 17:02 104,891,714 jdmmag581.tif
01/20/2010 17:04 92,343,556 jdmmag591.tif
01/20/2010 17:06 89,057,160 jdmmag601.tif
01/20/2010 17:08 86,448,502 jdmmag611.tif
01/21/2010 03:40 87,815,617 jdmmag621.tif
01/21/2010 06:05 2,765,124,461 jdmmagbig.tif
20 File(s) 4,944,319,694 bytes
0 Dir(s) 218,637,615,104 bytes free
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Re: Interger overflow in TIFFVStripSize @ tiff.c TIFFErrors 493

Post by magick »

Robust libraries ensure that values do not exceed the limits of their type. In TIFF it checks to see if 4 * width * height exceeds 4GB. A 40000 x 40000 pixel image, for example, exceeds this limit. If you want large images, you may need to move to an image format that support > 4GB. If you suspect this is not the problem, consult the libtiff delegate library source. It is the TIFF library that is throwing the assertion, not ImageMagick.

FYI, just a few days ago ImageMagick converted a 250,000 x 250,000 pixel image for us without complaint.
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Re: Interger overflow in TIFFVStripSize @ tiff.c TIFFErrors 493

Post by jmagyari »

The tif file jdmmagbig.tif that ImageMagick generated is only 2,700,317Kb as I lised before.
The 19 tif files used to create this file had a total number of bytes less than 3 gig.

I would image if one was to try to attempt to create a file larger than the specs indicate as the maximun, that an error message should be returned and a bogust/corrupt file should not be created.

I'm assuming that something else is going on here.

I used a WIN binary from the ImageMagick site, and did not compile or modify the source files myself. ImageMagick-6.5.9-0-Q8-windows-static.exe download download Win32 static at 8 bits-per-pixel
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