Conversion of dng files

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Conversion of dng files

Post by Parkie »

We are using a commercial image management software that uses ImageMagick for file conversion. We are finding that when we upload a dng file, all of the converted files (thumbnails or other specified downloadable files such as jpg in suitable size for Powerpoint) are very dark when they are opened. Is there a solution for this? Has anyone else encountered this problem?

Re: Conversion of dng files

Post by bigmo »

I've noticed the same thing but i can't even get ImageMagick to generate the previews for me> can i take a look at your delegates.xml file to see if it would be of any help to me.

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Re: Conversion of dng files

Post by fmw42 »

Parkie wrote:We are using a commercial image management software that uses ImageMagick for file conversion. We are finding that when we upload a dng file, all of the converted files (thumbnails or other specified downloadable files such as jpg in suitable size for Powerpoint) are very dark when they are opened. Is there a solution for this? Has anyone else encountered this problem?
Post a link to an example dng file so that others can try to test it.

Also what version of IM is being used. If old, perhaps you need to upgrade it.

Also there may be profiles in the DNG file that are being ignored. So you may need to add -profile to your command line. See
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