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Superimposing vector data

Posted: 2009-09-18T14:51:44-07:00
by Gasher
Hello everyone,

I would like to ask anyone on these forums regarding what the most simple way of adding the data from one vector format file to another vector format file whilst only doing some minor adjustments such as x/y -positioning of the later image.

I found the MagickWand function [CompositeImage] and my question is... Is it a good idea to use this function for what I am trying to achive or is there a better way? Any advice on this matter would be great.

Thank you very much for a really nice image manipulation library. It is truly great.

Best regards,

Re: Superimposing vector data

Posted: 2009-09-18T16:16:23-07:00
by Gasher
Addition to the above:
I belive I got this working now... but my two main problem still resides:

Firstly this error occurs as soon as I try to use PDF or Illustrator formats:
"Postscript delegate failed `circle.pdf': No such file or directory @ pdf.c/ReadPDFImage/630 "

The file circle.pdf is in the directory and can be opened with other applications. Same thing happens if I try to use another PDF or even a .AI -file. EPS (and other formats) works great though.

My other issue is that when working with the EPS format, is it possible for me to force ImageMagick to _always_ use vector format. Because, when I read eps-files in IM, then work with them and re-save them... IM saves the result in rasterized format.

I would be grateful for any advice you might have for me.

Thank you again.

Re: Superimposing vector data

Posted: 2009-09-18T20:22:38-07:00
by mkoppanen
Usually that error message appears if GhostScript is not installed or 'gs' command is not in PATH

Re: Superimposing vector data

Posted: 2009-09-18T20:41:35-07:00
by el_supremo
is it possible for me to force ImageMagick to _always_ use vector format. Because, when I read eps-files in IM, then work with them and re-save them... IM saves the result in rasterized format
IM converts vector images to an internal rasterized format before working on the image and it always saves images in raster format.
There's no way to make IM save an image in vector format.


Re: Superimposing vector data

Posted: 2009-09-19T00:51:07-07:00
by Gasher
Thank you very much for your replies.

So, there is no way to have IM save an image in vector format then? Is there a chance that any of you know of any other C/C++ API that would let me create a composite image from two vector files and still have the vector format retained in the final image?

Or is there some trick to do it in IM?
