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dpx Bus Error

Posted: 2009-08-12T09:48:58-07:00
by meanleybh
I seem to be running into some type of bug when trying get information, or do conversions to DPX frames:

$ identify -verbose /Users/*********/Desktop/chart.dpx
Bus error

$ convert /Users/*********/Desktop/chart.dpx -define dpx:television.time.code=10:00:02:15 /Users/********/Desktop/chart.0000000.dpx
Bus error

however I can seem to use the "identify" command without the "-verbose" flag alright:

$ identify /Users/***********/Desktop/chart.dpx
/Users/************/Desktop/chart.dpx DPX 960x540 960x540+0+0 10-bit DirectClass 1.979mb

I am very new to this program (essentially today...), so this very well could be something that I am doing wrong...., but if anyone else is running into issues, or could perhaps point me in the right direction... That would be greatly appreciated.


Re: dpx Bus Error

Posted: 2009-08-12T10:00:19-07:00
by magick
Post a URL to chart.dpx here so we can download it and reproduce the problem. Thanks.

Re: dpx Bus Error

Posted: 2009-08-12T12:02:32-07:00
by meanleybh
Thanks for the quick reply!

Here is the link to the file....I have blurred it out, because it isn't mine, and the other DPX files that I have can't be released because of NDA's and such..., but just to be clear, the issue seems to be with all DPX files on my system, not just this one specific file....

I am running Image Magick under OSX 10.5.7 on a MacBook Pro if that helps at all...

Let me know if you need any other information. Thanks!

Re: dpx Bus Error

Posted: 2009-08-12T12:14:36-07:00
by magick
We just tried ImageMagick 6.5.4-10, the latest release, and your image was identified without complaint:

Code: Select all

identify -verbose chart.dpx
Image: chart.dpx
  Format: DPX (SMPTE 268M-2003 (DPX 2.0))
  Class: DirectClass
  Geometry: 960x540+0+0
  Resolution: 72x72
  Print size: 13.3333x7.5
  Units: Undefined
  Type: TrueColor
  Base type: TrueColor
  Endianess: MSB
  Colorspace: Log
  Depth: 10-bit
  Channel depth:
    red: 10-bit
    green: 10-bit
    blue: 10-bit
  Channel statistics:
      min: 153 (0.149554)
      max: 433 (0.42327)
      mean: 318.4 (0.310942)
      standard deviation: 83.8794 (0.0819147)
      kurtosis: -1.11186
      skewness: -0.499925
      min: 138 (0.13489)
      max: 412 (0.402731)
      mean: 279.243 (0.272702)
      standard deviation: 72.8702 (0.0711634)
      kurtosis: -1.10915
      skewness: -0.379716
      min: 105 (0.102632)
      max: 362 (0.353857)
      mean: 225.094 (0.219821)
      standard deviation: 62.3078 (0.0608484)
      kurtosis: -0.896261
      skewness: -0.25348
  Image statistics:
      min: 105 (0.102632)
      max: 433 (0.42327)
      mean: 205.684 (0.200867)
      standard deviation: 138.768 (0.135518)
      kurtosis: -1.18266
      skewness: -0.335919
  Rendering intent: Undefined
  Interlace: None
  Background color: white
  Border color: log(223,223,223)
  Matte color: grey74
  Transparent color: black
  Page geometry: 960x540+0+0
  Dispose: Undefined
  Iterations: 0
  Compression: Undefined
  Orientation: TopLeft
    date:create: 2009-08-12T15:12:43-04:00
    date:modify: 2009-08-12T14:22:50-04:00
    document: /Users/BrianMeanley/Desktop/chart.dpx
    dpx:file.creator: Shake
    dpx:file.ditto.key: 1
    dpx:file.filename: /Users/BrianMeanley/Desktop/chart.dpx
    dpx:file.timestamp: 2009:08:12:14:31:30:EDT
    dpx:file.version: V1.0
    dpx:film.count: ÃW
    dpx:film.format: 0ÃY
    dpx:film.frame_id:  ÃY0Z@ÃZ
    dpx:film.frame_position: 1527923504
    dpx:film.frame_rate: 4.10283e+16
    dpx:film.held_count: 1544717056
    dpx:film.offset:  ƒ
    dpx:film.prefix: UðÂW
    dpx:film.sequence_extent: 1511146240
    dpx:film.shutter_angle: 4.10989e+16
    dpx:film.slate: P[ C[`ƒ[@C[ \0ƒ]`ƒ]0CZ0Ã]0ƒ[0ƒ\ƒ]@Ã\0[0C\ƒYXÃZ0Ã\PC\`] Ã]@ƒ[0C[ ƒ]
    dpx:film.type: [
    dpx:image.orientation: 0
    dpx:orientation.aspect_ratio: 1000x1000
    dpx:orientation.border: 0x0+0+0
    dpx:orientation.x_center: 6.72623e-43
    dpx:orientation.x_offset: 0
    dpx:orientation.x_size: 960
    dpx:orientation.y_center: 3.78351e-43
    dpx:orientation.y_offset: 0
    dpx:orientation.y_size: 540
    dpx:television.black_gain: 1.06114e+19
    dpx:television.black_level: 4.25177e+19
    dpx:television.break_point: 2.64835e+18
    dpx:television.field_number: 3
    dpx:television.frame_rate: 1.06114e+19
    dpx:television.gamma: 4.23737e+19
    dpx:television.horizontal_sample_rate: 6.5871e+17
    dpx:television.integration_times: 2.64835e+18
    dpx:television.interlace: 96
    dpx:television.padding: 95
    dpx:television.time.code: 5f:12:c3:70
    dpx:television.time_offset: 4.24458e+19
    dpx:television.user.bits: 5f:13:43:60
    dpx:television.vertical_sample_rate: 2.63933e+18
    dpx:television.video_signal: 19
    dpx:television.white_level: 1.70071e+20
    signature: 71c33e85201d9c9ef56d934f29b471494874d864b00b9f0d0d6cf7a33aab8eac
    software: Shake
  Profiles: 6112 bytes
    verbose: true
  Tainted: False
  Filesize: 1.985mb
  Number pixels: 506kb
  Version: ImageMagick 6.5.5-0 2009-08-12 Q16 OpenMP

Re: dpx Bus Error

Posted: 2009-08-12T12:21:28-07:00
by meanleybh
Thanks again for the quick response,

I will try a reinstall to see if I can track down the issue...


Re: dpx Bus Error

Posted: 2009-08-28T16:53:15-07:00
by stevemagg
I am getting the same bus error results.
Just installed on this box.

emu:test1 root# identify -verbose Stitch_In_Time_VFX.0085779.dpx
Bus error
emu:test1 root# identify Stitch_In_Time_VFX.0085779.dpx
Stitch_In_Time_VFX.0085779.dpx DPX 1920x1080 1920x1080+0+0 10-bit DirectClass 7.918mb

My OS:
Darwin my.coool.lan 9.7.0 Darwin Kernel Version 9.7.0: Tue Mar 31 22:52:17 PDT 2009; root:xnu-1228.12.14~1/RELEASE_I386 i386

System Version: Mac OS X 10.5.7 (9J61)

2 x 2.8 Quad Intel Xeon 2GB

Re: dpx Bus Error

Posted: 2009-08-28T17:27:01-07:00
by magick
Post a URL to your image. We need to download it and reproduce the error you are getting before we can offer any insight or solution to the problem.