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pb with PICT image - not reading size correctly

Posted: 2009-07-01T05:33:57-07:00
by blegay

I have a picture in PICT format. OS X displays the file correctly and reports a size of 679x811.

When I tried convert the image was cropped (only top left part was converted).

Here is what identify reports :

Code: Select all

/Users/ble/ImageMagick/ImageMagick-6.5.3/bin/identify -verbose 264.PICT 
Image: 264.PICT
  Format: PICT (Apple Macintosh QuickDraw/PICT)
  Class: DirectClass
  Geometry: 162x194+0+0
  Resolution: 72x72
  Print size: 2.25x2.69444
  Units: Undefined
  Type: TrueColor
  Endianess: Undefined
  Colorspace: RGB
  Depth: 8-bit
  Channel depth:
    red: 8-bit
    green: 8-bit
    blue: 8-bit
  Channel statistics:
      min: 22 (0.0862745)
      max: 169 (0.662745)
      mean: 155.652 (0.6104)
      standard deviation: 16.5416 (0.0648692)
      kurtosis: 32.3986
      skewness: -5.70036
      min: 15 (0.0588235)
      max: 163 (0.639216)
      mean: 148.984 (0.584252)
      standard deviation: 18.2007 (0.0713751)
      kurtosis: 30.1863
      skewness: -5.49279
      min: 5 (0.0196078)
      max: 154 (0.603922)
      mean: 135.998 (0.533326)
      standard deviation: 18.9471 (0.0743023)
      kurtosis: 28.2578
      skewness: -5.29539
  Image statistics:
      min: 5 (0.0196078)
      max: 169 (0.662745)
      mean: 110.159 (0.431995)
      standard deviation: 65.8475 (0.258225)
      kurtosis: -0.887637
      skewness: -1.01399
  Rendering intent: Undefined
  Interlace: None
  Background color: white
  Border color: rgb(223,223,223)
  Matte color: grey74
  Transparent color: black
  Page geometry: 162x194+0+0
  Dispose: Undefined
  Iterations: 0
  Compression: Undefined
  Orientation: Undefined
    create-date: 2009-07-01T10:18:03+02:00
    modify-date: 2009-07-01T10:07:22+02:00
    signature: f67b9ad9cdf8744f6d36493cb3c5cf7623aed88c70f25c22b0dada8768b58f54
    verbose: true
  Tainted: False
  Filesize: 1.572mb
  Number pixels: 30.7kb
  Version: ImageMagick 6.5.3-7 2009-06-14 Q16 OpenMP
I opened the file with Preview (OS X image viewing tool) and saved in the same format (pict) as "264.pct"
It does report an error in the header but the file size is identified correctly...

Code: Select all

/Users/ble/ImageMagick/ImageMagick-6.5.3/bin/identify -verbose 264.pct
Image: 264.pct
  Format: PICT (Apple Macintosh QuickDraw/PICT)
  Class: DirectClass
  Geometry: 679x811+0+0
  Resolution: 72x72
  Print size: 9.43056x11.2639
  Units: Undefined
  Type: Bilevel
  Base type: Bilevel
  Endianess: Undefined
  Colorspace: RGB
  Depth: 8/1-bit
  Channel depth:
    gray: 1-bit
  Channel statistics:
      min: 255 (1)
      max: 255 (1)
      mean: 255 (1)
      standard deviation: 0 (0)
      kurtosis: 0
      skewness: 0
    550669: (255,255,255) #FFFFFF white
  Rendering intent: Undefined
  Interlace: None
  Background color: white
  Border color: rgb(223,223,223)
  Matte color: grey74
  Transparent color: black
  Page geometry: 679x811+0+0
  Dispose: Undefined
  Iterations: 0
  Compression: Undefined
  Orientation: Undefined
    create-date: 2009-07-01T14:29:51+02:00
    modify-date: 2009-07-01T14:29:51+02:00
    signature: 1c4c839534ae76dc5a742efd9ce0dfc575e555aa9ad398e033ba55ce24552a8d
    verbose: true
  Tainted: False
  Filesize: 2.129mb
  Number pixels: 538kb
  Version: ImageMagick 6.5.3-7 2009-06-14 Q16 OpenMP
identify: Improper image header `/var/folders/oV/oVr2pPciF2eoUWyGKKIWRU+++TM/-Tmp-/magick-xANPJqW7' @ pict.c/ReadPICTImage/872.
Any idea ?


Re: pb with PICT image - not reading size correctly

Posted: 2009-07-01T06:08:22-07:00
by magick
Post a URL to the image ImageMagick fails to read. We need to download it and inspect it to determine why it fails to process.

Re: pb with PICT image - not reading size correctly

Posted: 2009-07-01T06:30:47-07:00
by blegay
Here is an URL of the original picture file...

The file will be deleted in few days...


Re: pb with PICT image - not reading size correctly

Posted: 2009-07-01T10:40:05-07:00
by fmw42
you never actually said what your exact convert command was. perhaps you are doing something incorrectly?

Re: pb with PICT image - not reading size correctly

Posted: 2009-07-01T10:50:17-07:00
by magick
It appears to be a bug in the PICT reader. We will look for a patch for the problem within the next few days.