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convert tiff to pdf

Posted: 2009-06-22T12:06:35-07:00
by grepi

I' m working on macosx 10.5.7 intel with fink and have to convert tiff to pdf files:
i imagemagick 6.4.1-1013 Image manipulation tools
i imagemagick1-dev 6.4.1-1013 Image manipulation tools
i imagemagick1-shlibs 6.4.1-1013 Image manipulation tools
i imagemagick1-svg 6.4.1-1013 Image manipulation tools
the file to convert in pdf is:
tiffinfo Gears.tif
TIFF Directory at offset 0xa8c08 (691208)
Image Width: 480 Image Length: 480
Resolution: 1, 1 (unitless)
Bits/Sample: 8
Compression Scheme: None
Photometric Interpretation: RGB color
FillOrder: msb-to-lsb
Orientation: row 0 top, col 0 lhs
Samples/Pixel: 3
Rows/Strip: 5
Planar Configuration: single image plane
DocumentName: Gears1.tif
Software: ImageMagick 6.4.1 01/29/09 Q16

convert Gears.tif Gears.pdf

generates a black image Gears.pdf

OK let's try a newer version ImageMagick-6.5.3.

convert Gears.tif Gears.pdf

generates a white image Gears.pdf.

Convert can not handle "Resolution: 1, 1 (unitless)" Tag. This Tag should be ignored on converting tif to pdf.
The pdf should be computed by image length and image width.
Please update convert, it has a silly programming error.


Re: convert tiff to pdf

Posted: 2009-06-22T12:11:39-07:00
by magick
Can you post a URL to your image? We need to download it and reproduce the problem before we apply a patch.

Re: convert tiff to pdf

Posted: 2009-06-23T10:03:05-07:00
by grepi

the image was generated by pixie with

rndr gears.rib.

all pixie images are generated in this way.

Re: convert tiff to pdf

Posted: 2009-06-23T10:09:33-07:00
by magick
We need to reproduce the problem before we can offer any help. Can you post a URL to Gears.tif so we can download it and use it as reference image for the problem you posted. Thanks.

Re: convert tiff to pdf

Posted: 2009-06-24T02:45:39-07:00
by grepi

here you have a 10x10 pixel tiff image in compressed ascii form. I don't like running my mac round the clock and open web sharing.
cat -v Gears1.tiff.bz2 > exposed.log:

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Re: convert tiff to pdf

Posted: 2009-06-24T05:57:48-07:00
by magick
The data in your post is corrupted. It will not decompress.

Re: convert tiff to pdf

Posted: 2009-06-24T08:08:54-07:00
by grepi

there is a 512x512 pixel image

Hope that helps

Re: convert tiff to pdf

Posted: 2009-06-24T10:38:53-07:00
by magick
Try this command:
  • convert Gears.tif -density 72 Gears.pdf
Images with bogus attributes such as this one can produce undesirable results. The best solution would be to fix your Gears.tif image so it includes a proper resolution tag.

Re: convert tiff to pdf

Posted: 2009-06-24T11:34:38-07:00
by grepi

it works!

