Cannot Identify with "-format %[min]"

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Cannot Identify with "-format %[min]"

Post by futuramedium »

Here is what I get:
C:\>identify -format "%[min]" logo:
Similar (wrong) results with "%[max]" and "%[mean]", and, of course, real images instead of "logo:". Version is 6.4.8-7 2009-01-16 Q8 (win32)
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Re: Cannot Identify with "-format %[min]"

Post by magick »

We tried you command with the latest ImageMagick release, 6.4.9-6 and it returned correct results. Perhaps there is a bug in 6.4.8 that has been patched.

Re: Cannot Identify with "-format %[min]"

Post by futuramedium »

Thank you, but after installing 6.4.9-6 I still get somewhat unexpected results:
C:\>identify -verbose rose:
... (skipped)
Image statistics:
min: 0 (0)
max: 255 (1)
mean: 78.8602 (0.309256)
... (skipped)

C:\>identify -format "%[min]" rose:

C:\>identify -format "%[max]" rose:

C:\>identify -format "%[mean]" rose:
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Re: Cannot Identify with "-format %[min]"

Post by magick »

The identify program is designed to return the image metadata quickly so it does not read the image pixels in most cases. We updated the code to detect when image statistics are required to force identify to read the image pixels. In the mean-time, for a workaround, add +ping to your command line to force the identify program to read the image pixels.
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