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[fixed] May be bug on eps3 conversion

Posted: 2009-01-30T06:28:55-07:00
by broucaries
Dear developer,

Do not know if ti is a bug on imagemagick or gs but convertion of the file on to eps3 does not work

If I convert to pdf and back to eps3 using pdftops -eps -level3 it work as expected



Re: May be bug on eps3 conversion

Posted: 2009-01-30T08:57:46-07:00
by magick
Try the following:
  • convert test.png
    display -colorspace rgb
    convert -colorspace rgb test.jpg
    display test.jpg
ImageMagick is getting a false-positive on the CMYK colorspace and renders it as CMYK instead of RGB. We'll work on a fix for that problem.

Re: May be bug on eps3 conversion

Posted: 2009-01-30T09:03:57-07:00
by broucaries
Does not work it does not display fail as expected :(


Re: May be bug on eps3 conversion

Posted: 2009-01-30T09:34:07-07:00
by broucaries

Re: May be bug on eps3 conversion

Posted: 2009-01-30T09:46:45-07:00
by magick
Right, we tested against that image. It works fine for recent releases of ImageMagick:
  • convert test.png
    display -colorspace rgb
We can try and get a patch against an older version of ImageMagick if you want.

Re: May be bug on eps3 conversion

Posted: 2009-01-30T09:49:05-07:00
by broucaries
ok will test


Re: May be bug on eps3 conversion

Posted: 2012-03-14T08:05:46-07:00
by thomkris
I tried the commands below

convert test.png eps3:test.eps
display -colorspace rgb test.eps

and it works. But if I use latex or ps2pdf to convert to a pdf file the image format is having trouble.

gs test.eps
$ GPL Ghostscript 9.04 (2011-08-05)
Copyright (C) 2011 Artifex Software, Inc. All rights reserved.
This software comes with NO WARRANTY: see the file PUBLIC for details.

**** Warning: Some of the BoundingBox for the EPS file will be clipped.
Use -dEPSCrop or -dEPSFitPage to avoid clipping.

>>showpage, press <return> to continue<<

The eps is output from convert and the test.eps is input to the latex. What should I do in order to correct this problem. I can do some intermediate processing if required, but please provide a suggestion.