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Error: wrong data type 7 for "RichTIFFIPTC"; tag ignored.

Posted: 2009-01-08T11:09:05-07:00
by chanca
I'm using ImageMagick 6.3.9, and while performing an identify command on a TIF file, get this result:
wrong data type 7 for "RichTIFFIPTC"; tag ignored. `TIFFReadDirectory'.

Can someone help me identify why I get this error message? THANKS!

Here is the full verbose output:
teams@eris (calvin)$ identify -verbose 00321101.TIF
Image: 00321101.TIF
Format: TIFF (Tagged Image File Format)
Class: DirectClass
Geometry: 3064x4568+0+0
Resolution: 400x400
Print size: 7.66x11.42
Units: PixelsPerInch
Type: TrueColor
Endianess: MSB
Colorspace: RGB
Depth: 8-bit
Channel depth:
Red: 8-bit
Green: 8-bit
Blue: 8-bit
Channel statistics:
Min: 0 (0)
Max: 255 (1)
Mean: 185.386 (0.727005)
Standard deviation: 63.4225 (0.248716)
Min: 0 (0)
Max: 255 (1)
Mean: 174.175 (0.683039)
Standard deviation: 61.6593 (0.241801)
Min: 0 (0)
Max: 255 (1)
Mean: 150.134 (0.588761)
Standard deviation: 57.9249 (0.227157)
Rendering intent: Undefined
Interlace: None
Background color: white
Border color: rgb(223,223,223)
Matte color: grey74
Transparent color: black
Page geometry: 3064x4568+0+0
Dispose: Undefined
Iterations: 0
Compression: None
Orientation: TopLeft
Signature: 54d45e009bdae6174037327496c10ab23e3b8c69704490f9348a65c5802cd03f
Tiff:copyright: Digital image © 2008 J. Paul Getty Trust
Tiff:make: Phase One
Tiff:model: P 45
Tiff:rows-per-strip: 1
Tiff:software: Adobe Photoshop CS4 Macintosh
Tiff:timestamp: 2008:11:17 16:03:15
Profile-8bim: 16314 bytes
Copyright String[2,116]: Digital image © 2008 J. Paul Getty Trust
Custom Field 14[111,213]: 0x00000000: ffffffff ffffff4d ffff35ff ffffff24 4fff6fff --------M--5----$O-o
0x00000014: 4fff2c2c 5f4b16ff ff31ffff ffffffff 6bffffff -O-,,_K---1------k--
0x00000028: ff7a560c 73ff36ff 3fffffff ff4fff5f ff56ffff --zV-s-6-?----O-_-V-
0x0000003c: ff3effff ff7effff 34ff46ff 4effffff ffffffff -->---~--4-F-N------
0x00000050: 7eff0265 ff3a2855 6bffffff ffff7dff ffffff38 -~--e-:(Uk-----}----
0x00000064: 35ff06ff 604bffff ffffffff 4aff6a65 ffffffff 85---`K------J-je---
0x00000078: 5cff5b5f ff40ff74 7e6b7dff ffffffff ff3b2eff -\-[_-@-t~k}------;.
0x0000008c: ffffffff 0b28736c 220dff35 ff77ff37 57ffffff ------(sl"--5-w-7W--
0x000000a0: 29ff3d6d ffffffff ff2f5bff ffffffff ffff235b -)-=m-----/[---
0x000000b4: ffffff23 5bffff6f 65ffff6e ff00 ----#[-
Profile-icc: 560 bytes
Profile-xmp: 19648 bytes
Verbose: true
Tainted: False
Filesize: 40.0793mb
Number pixels: 13.348mb
Pixels per second: 3.33699mb
User time: 3.810u
Elapsed time: 0:05
Version: ImageMagick 6.3.9 03/03/08 Q16
identify: 00321101.TIF: wrong data type 7 for "RichTIFFIPTC"; tag ignored. `TIFFReadDirectory'.

Re: Error: wrong data type 7 for "RichTIFFIPTC"; tag ignored.

Posted: 2009-02-03T09:49:43-07:00
by chanca
OK we've narrowed this down a bit. This error is occuring only with TIF filed produced on our Mac machines with Adobe Creative Suite 4. I'm considering installing the latest build of ImageMagick and seeing if it rectifies the problem.

Re: Error: wrong data type 7 for "RichTIFFIPTC"; tag ignored.

Posted: 2009-10-02T11:58:30-07:00
by darrenleeweber
I see the same warnings for Photoshop CS4 .tif files, in various software (including imagemagick, InsightToolkit from, and the gimp). Is this an issue to resolve with Adobe? (If so, how is that done?)

Re: Error: wrong data type 7 for "RichTIFFIPTC"; tag ignored.

Posted: 2009-10-02T16:32:49-07:00
by magick
This exception is thrown by the libTIFF. It apparently does not like the layout of your IPTC profile. Your best path forward would be to post this problem to the libTIFF bug list.

Re: Error: wrong data type 7 for "RichTIFFIPTC"; tag ignored.

Posted: 2018-09-05T03:48:22-07:00
by flyboyscott
I have been perplexed by this issue for many years. I work in the simulator industry, flight simulators and such, and I use photoshop to build the textures used in the 3D models on the simulator. The "wrong data type 7 for RichTIFFIPTC" warning has been a thorn in my side for years. As mentioned it is fairly benign but the warnings are obnoxious and in my case, critical warnings and/or errors can get lost in the mix if you're not paying close enough attention. So today I decided to do some testing and get this issue resolved. I have what for me is a good fix.

I won't bore you with the details but what I found is that if I take the offending tiff texture(s) and save them all out as .rgb format, which is the SGI format, and then save them back to tiff, the warning goes away on the new tiff files.

I have a Photoshop plugin that allows me to read and write .rgb files. I think its fairly easy to find online. My plugin asks if I want to compress the image when saving the rgb file. My testing indicated that it doesn't matter but for mine I answered no to the question. So far I not seen any image degradation from this process.

You could probably do the "conversion" of the images by recording the actions in Photoshop and running that action on your image directory. I think the problem with that might be that the action recording function in Photoshop can't record mouse actions so whenever user input is required from the action you have to click the mouse. That can get tedious if you are doing a lot images.

I have an application called "Hot Keyboard Pro" which is a macro recorder. You just get the app recording, run through your repetitive task, mouse clicks and all, and save. The recorded macro can the be run on whatever you want. Using Hot Keyboard I was able to get it set up so that I could convert 250 images to rgb, then do the same thing writing them back to tiff all by itself.

Now all of the nasty warnings are gone!!

My test case was set up to save every format available to photoshop. When I ran the tests I did JPEG and BMP formats first and then I did the RGB format and it worked so I stopped. There might be another image format that would work as well as RGB.

Hope this helps someone out there.
