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Fits file are read by gimp and not by display

Posted: 2008-12-23T13:28:02-07:00
by broucaries
Investigating bug I tried to read some fits file from

Display always display black image :-( where as gimp display correct image

More strange some file like in ... f=1&t=7710 display identically on gimp and display



PS: if you have some idea about 268241 feel free to help us :-)

Re: Fits file are read by gimp and not by display

Posted: 2008-12-26T20:13:47-07:00
by magick
We have a patch for the problem you reported. Look for it in the next point release, 6.4.8-2.

Note, ImageMagick does not automatically normalize the image so for tst0004.fits, the normalize option is required to get the full range of data:
  • convert tst0004.fits -normalize x: