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Montage not labelling everything thumbnail in proofsheet

Posted: 2008-12-21T23:05:42-07:00
by BMan2
Using montage to create a proofsheet of files within a specific directory - the label is not being created for every thumbnail. It seems to be random when it works or not - but multiple usage of the command means the same pictures get missed.

The command run is: montage -label '%f' c:\picfiles\storage\12-2008\201208\*201208*.jpg[525x405] -pointsize 36 -geometry 525x405+15+15 -tile 4x7 -page A4 -compress jpeg -format pdf -quality 65 c:\picfiles\proofsheets\201208.pdf

Version: ImageMagick 6.4.7 2008-12-07 Q16

Any help would be appreciated

Re: Montage not labelling every thumbnail in proofsheet

Posted: 2008-12-22T20:09:35-07:00
by BMan2
Example is here:


Note how the others are all labelled - but the top right one is not ... this can happen randomly on sometimes one photo on a full page - to a whole row of photos not being labelled.

It's on Windows XP - run from the command line - any help appreciated.