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Drawing Elliptic/Sinusoidal Text

Posted: 2008-12-17T01:42:07-07:00
by javiersm
Hi Everyone!

Please sorry my bad english, i'll try to explain my problem. I'm trying to make a text with a form like a Elliptic or Sinusoidal wave, does anybody knows how to achieve it?. My current approach is using a BarrelInverse distortion with the next arguments:

double d_args[8]= {-0.02,0.0,0.0,1.02,0.0,0.0,-0.5,1.9};

But I'm not happy at all with the result of it, have any more ideas? Thanks a lot.


Re: Drawing Elliptic/Sinusoidal Text

Posted: 2008-12-17T08:52:54-07:00
by el_supremo
A Shepard's distortion might do what you want if you can figure out the right arguments for it.
See the eighth (Shepard's) text effect in my MagickWand Examples in C which produces this text


Re: Drawing Elliptic/Sinusoidal Text

Posted: 2008-12-18T03:29:38-07:00
by javiersm
Thanks a lot for your response.

I didn't set out correctly my problem. Having the focus on composing a text with a elliptic wave, I didn't mean to locate the text in the borders of the 'wave' but locate it composing the wave, I mean to 'inflate' the text with a elliptic form. Did you think I can achieve it with that distortion? If I can do it; Where I can found information about the arguments of the distortion methods?, Thanks a lot!

Best regards.