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Incorrectly rendered SVG with display

Posted: 2008-10-23T16:08:00-07:00
by naoliv

From, the user has a SVG file that is incorrectly rendered by display.
Using the newest version available here now (6.4.3-4) the problem is still reproducible (it displays PowerraftC instead PowerCraft).
The SVG file is available at ... 500725.svg

Thank you!

Re: Incorrectly rendered SVG with display

Posted: 2008-10-23T17:15:54-07:00
by magick
ImageMagick delegates the SVG rendering task to librsvg. The bug lies with it since
  • rsvg 500725.svg 500725.png
produces the improperly rendered graphic. To verify, type
  • identify -list configure
We assume rsvg is associated with the delegates tag.

The path forward would be to post a bug report to the librsvg folks.

Re: Incorrectly rendered SVG with display

Posted: 2008-10-23T17:26:41-07:00
by naoliv
Good to know. Thank you very much!