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Segmentation fault on .psd file

Posted: 2008-08-27T11:34:10-07:00
by kim_earth

I'm getting a segmentation fault when trying to convert certain .psd's. Not sure what makes this .psd different from my other ones -- it was saved in CS3, it's 8 bit has layers. I also just try to identify the file and get a segmentation fault.

[root]# identify -verbose BTS_FSI_Inside.psd
Segmentation fault

I am using Version: ImageMagick 6.2.5 10/30/05 on a Linux box.

I tried to upgrade using the ImageMagick 6.4.3-5 rpm but got dependency errors:

[root]# rpm -Uvh ImageMagick-6.4.3-5.i386.rpm
error: Failed dependencies: is needed by ImageMagick-6.4.3-5.i386 is needed by ImageMagick-6.4.3-5.i386 is needed by ImageMagick-6.4.3-5.i386 is needed by ImageMagick-6.4.3-5.i386 is needed by ImageMagick-6.4.3-5.i386 is needed by ImageMagick-6.4.3-5.i386 is needed by ImageMagick-6.4.3-5.i386 is needed by ImageMagick-6.4.3-5.i386 is needed by ImageMagick-6.4.3-5.i386 is needed by ImageMagick-6.4.3-5.i386 is needed by ImageMagick-6.4.3-5.i386 is needed by ImageMagick-6.4.3-5.i386 is needed by ImageMagick-6.4.3-5.i386 is needed by ImageMagick-6.4.3-5.i386 is needed by ImageMagick-6.4.3-5.i386 is needed by ImageMagick-6.4.3-5.i386 is needed by ImageMagick-6.4.3-5.i386 is needed by ImageMagick-6.4.3-5.i386 is needed by ImageMagick-6.4.3-5.i386
rtld(GNU_HASH) is needed by ImageMagick-6.4.3-5.i386

Please advise what I can do to handle this file.

Re: Segmentation fault on .psd file

Posted: 2008-08-27T12:18:39-07:00
by magick
Try build ImageMagick from source using the rpmbuild command or post a URL to your image so we can download it and see if we can reproduce the problem.

Re: Segmentation fault on .psd file

Posted: 2008-08-27T12:30:10-07:00
by kim_earth
thanks for the reply -

In the meantime I can try the rpmbuild, not sure how to use that command - never built an rpm before.


Re: Segmentation fault on .psd file

Posted: 2008-08-27T12:47:16-07:00
by magick
Try this command:
  • identify -limit area 1mb -verbose BTS_FSI_Inside.psd
Does that still fault for you?

Re: Segmentation fault on .psd file

Posted: 2008-08-27T13:03:24-07:00
by kim_earth
I tried the command you wrote:

identify -limit area 1mb -verbose BTS_FSI_Inside.psd
identify: invalid argument for option `1mb': -limit.

I tried this instead (space between 1 and mb) and got the segmentation fault.

identify -limit area 1 mb -verbose BTS_FSI_Inside.psd
Segmentation fault

I also tried:

identify -limit memory 100 -verbose BTS_FSI_Inside.psd
Segmentation fault.

box has 4G of memory though so I'm sure that isnt' the issue.

Re: Segmentation fault on .psd file

Posted: 2008-08-27T20:01:18-07:00
by magick
We're using ImageMagick 6.4.3-5 and your image was identified without complaint as follows:
  • identify -limit memory 1mb -verbose BTS_FSI_Inside.psd

Re: Segmentation fault on .psd file

Posted: 2008-08-28T03:08:16-07:00
by kim_earth
magick wrote:We're using ImageMagick 6.4.3-5 and your image was identified without complaint as follows:
  • identify -limit memory 1mb -verbose BTS_FSI_Inside.psd
thank you, so I'm assuming I need to upgrade.. but am I only going to be able to convert or identify these types of images with the -limit command?
Guess I will have to try it.

thx again!

Re: Segmentation fault on .psd file

Posted: 2008-08-28T08:59:13-07:00
by kim_earth
So I upgraded to 6.4.3-5 by compiling from the source files.

Verified that convert command works by typing it in command line.

However now when I try to convert anything, I get these errors:

convert big.jpg kimtest.gif
convert: no decode delegate for this image format `big.jpg'.

I check this and sure enough there are no delegates for tiff, png, jpeg etc.. how am I supposed to obtain those?

Code: Select all

convert -list configure

Path: /usr/local/lib/ImageMagick-6.4.3/config/configure.xml

Name          Value
CC            gcc -std=gnu99
CFLAGS        -g -O2 -Wall -W -pthread
COPYRIGHT     Copyright (C) 1999-2008 ImageMagick Studio LLC
CPPFLAGS      -I/usr/local/include/ImageMagick
CXX           g++
CXXFLAGS      -g -O2 -Wall -W -pthread
DELEGATES     bzlib zlib
DISTCHECK_CONFIG_FLAGS --disable-deprecated --with-quantum-depth=16 --with-umem=no --with-fontconfig=no --with-fontpath= --with-rsvg=no --with-xml=no
EXEC-PREFIX   /usr/local
HOST          i686-pc-linux-gnu
LDFLAGS       -L/usr/local/lib
LIBS          -lMagickCore -lbz2 -lz -lm -lpthread
NAME          ImageMagick
PREFIX        /usr/local
QuantumDepth  16
RELEASE_DATE  2008-08-28
VERSION       6.4.3

I tried adding these lines to the configure.xml file .. but I think as soon as I type in the ./configure command it overwrites it -- it's not adding support for those other files.

help :/

Code: Select all

<configure name="LIBS" value="-lMagickCore -llcms -ltiff -lfreetype -ljpeg -lfontconfig -lXext -lSM -lICE -lX11 -lXt -lbz2 -lz -lm -lpthread"/>
<configure name="DELEGATES" value="bzlib fontconfig freetype gs gvc jpeg jp2 lcms openexr png rsvg tiff x11 xml wmf zlib"/>

Re: Segmentation fault on .psd file

Posted: 2008-08-28T09:51:20-07:00
by magick
You must have the the development RPM for a particular delegate library before ImageMagick can validate it at configure time. Download / install the JPEG development RPM, for example, and run the configure script again. The last 40 or so lines will mention whether JPEG is validated. If not, see config.log to determine why, fix the problem, and rerun the configure script. Now build and install.