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colormap on ver 5.5.7 and 6.4.2

Posted: 2008-07-25T09:08:42-07:00
by Craig-IM
Hello All,

When I applied colormap to a transparent gif on 5.5.7, I reset all of the colors and then set the transparency and it worked.

This no longer worked in 6.4.2. After fussing around a little, I got it to work by not resetting the transparent color #ffffff and then not calling transparent.

Here is some test code to convert the gray scale gif to all yellow.

#$logo is a transparent #ffffff gif
my $t;
my $col = $logo->Get('colors');
print "\nColorspace ". $logo->Get('colorspace');
for (my $j=0; $j < $col; $j++)
$t = $logo->Get("colormap[$j]");
print "\n\nOriginal colormap[$j]= $t";
if ($t !~ /65535,65535,65535/)
print qq{\nNew colormap[$j]= }.$logo->Get("colormap[$j]");

my $p = $logo->SyncImage();
print "\nColorspace ". $logo->Get('colorspace');

for (my $j=0; $j < $col; $j)
print qq{\ncolormap[$j]= }.$logo->Get("colormap[$j]");


Here is the output:

Colorspace RGB

Original colormap[0]= 65535,65535,65535,0
New colormap[0]= 65535,65535,65535,0

Original colormap[1]= 52428,52428,52428,0
New colormap[1]= 65535,65535,0,0

Original colormap[2]= 39321,39321,39321,0
New colormap[2]= 65535,65535,0,0

Original colormap[3]= 26214,26214,26214,0
New colormap[3]= 65535,65535,0,0

Original colormap[4]= 13107,13107,13107,0
New colormap[4]= 65535,65535,0,0

Original colormap[5]= 0,0,0,0
New colormap[5]= 65535,65535,0,0

Original colormap[6]= 65535,65535,65535,65535
New colormap[6]= 65535,65535,65535,65535

It seems that 4th parameter from the get colormap determines the transparent color.

If you use,
and then query the results, get colormap shows 65535,65535,65535,0 so it does not seem to actually set the transparency.

I believe this is what causes SyncImage to not work. Hope this is helpful.
