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Problems with Type 1 fonts and "slash" option

Posted: 2008-06-22T13:50:24-07:00
by capnjohn
I posted this in the Users forum as well. Please advise if this is not the correct forum to post this request. I have searched Google and this website and have not been able to find a solution.


I have a preview form written in .php that utilizes ImageMagick. It can be seen here:

Saturday morning I started having problems with some of the fonts not displaying. I determined that only Type 1 fonts were affected (they have the extension .pfb).

I also noticed that the "Slant" function on the form stopped working as well. To my knowledge it uses either the "slash", "italicFlag" or "shear" function in ImageMagick (I'm not sure which, if any, is the correct function as I am not a programmer and thus not familiar with how ImageMagick works).

According to the server administrator, they believe the latest version of ImageMagick was automatically installed on the sever and might be causing the problems. Here are his comments:

We have installed the latest imagemagick version in the server.
Version: ImageMagick 6.4.1 06/22/08 Q16
Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2008 ImageMagick Studio LLC

We get the following error when we try to access "slant option" and "Dax" font.
convert: unable to read font `/home/boatlet/public_html/boatlettering/fonts/hvb_____.pfb'.

convert: angle is discontinuous `#FFFFFF'.
Some dependency is missing that is causing the issue. We have to check further.

Unix Administrator


I have called the hosting company numerous times since Saturday and this is the only information I have been able to obtain. This is why I am asking for help from this forum. Hopefully someone can provide a solution, or a link to a solution, that I can forward to the server administrator.

The form code was written in 2003 and it is hosted on a Unix server. It has been on the same server since 2004 with no previous issues.

I would greatly appreciate any advice, links, or other information that will help solve these issues. It is going on 48 hours since the problems started and I am desperate to resolve them as quickly as possible.

Cap'n John

Re: Problems with Type 1 fonts and "slash" option

Posted: 2008-06-22T17:19:00-07:00
by magick
The exception you received is thrown if and only if you shear at an angle of mod 90 degrees. It seems you have a filename of xc:#ffffff and a shear angle of 90.0, 180.0, or 270.0.