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Resize with ">" option not working as expected

Posted: 2008-05-19T13:14:20-07:00
by Skinjob
Note, issue originally posted in the User forum: ... 125#p36125

The ">" option on the resize command should cause the image to be resized only if one of the dimensions exceeds the geometry spec. However, it seems that the image is always rewritten even if the geometry does not exceed the spec. If nothing is changed, the image should not be rewritten.

For example:
mogrify -resize "200x200>" folder.jpg

Initially folder.jpg is 300x300
After above command is run, size is 200x200
If above command is run again, size is still 200x200, but folder.jpg file date/time stamp is updated.

I'm using the 6.4.1-3-Q16-windows-dll version on Windows XP SP2.