What happened to the --without-dot and --without-mpeg2 ?

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What happened to the --without-dot and --without-mpeg2 ?

Post by mi »


A user has alerted me recently, that building the FreeBSD port of IM, which I just updated to 6.4.0-7, warns that options

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

are unrecognized.

What is the right way of disabling these, when one wants to build IM on a machine, for the corresponding packages may already be installed, but when one does not want IM to depend on/use them?

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Re: What happened to the --without-dot and --without-mpeg2 ?

Post by magick »

The Graphviz folks refactored the dot library a few years back so we changed from the --without-dot configure command lib option to --without-gvc to reflect the refactorization.

A few years ago we removed support for the MPEG2 library so it didn't make sense to keep the --without-mpeg2 configure script command line so we removed it.
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