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x11/write test fails in abscence of $DISPLAY

Posted: 2008-04-07T13:00:22-07:00
by mi
Quite often software is built in a batch or on a "headless" server, where DISPLAY is not defined. The self-tests should detect such situations and not fail. Unfortunately, that's not the case with 6.4.0-3:

Code: Select all

t/x11/write.......FAILED test 1                                              
        Failed 1/2 tests, 50.00% okay
Failed Test   Stat Wstat Total Fail  List of Failed
t/x11/write.t                2    1  1
Failed 1/28 test scripts. 1/347 subtests failed.
Files=28, Tests=347, 11 wallclock secs ( 7.50 cusr +  1.45 csys =  8.95 CPU)
Failed 1/28 test programs. 1/347 subtests failed.
*** Error code 255
Please, advise. Thanks!

Re: x11/write test fails in abscence of $DISPLAY

Posted: 2008-04-07T13:27:00-07:00
by magick
The problem you reported is fixed in ImageMagick 6.4.0-5 Beta available in subversion now or tomorrow at

x11/write test hangs, when $DISPLAY is via an ssh-tunnel

Posted: 2008-04-07T14:21:13-07:00
by mi
Hi! When my DISPLAY is set via an ssh client (to localhost:10), x11/write brings up the "CONGRATULATIONS! You can display an image" window, but the window does not go away... Not in the 8 seconds promised, not after an hour either...

I'm not sure, whether it works properly on a local display -- probably not...

Would you, please, look into that too? Thanks!

Re: x11/write test fails in abscence of $DISPLAY

Posted: 2008-04-07T17:54:43-07:00
by magick
The problem you reported is fixed in ImageMagick 6.4.0-5 Beta available in subversion now or tomorrow at