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Convert to JPG

Posted: 2008-04-05T07:58:40-07:00
by mcs
Sorry I posted this in Bugs...probably should be in Imagemagick...reposting. Can someone remove this post?

I am using IM 6.4.0-2-Q16 to convert and bild jpgs for Illustrator and Photoshop files uploaded to a directory on my server. On alot of photoshop files I get a bizarre preview image. The image has white squares or sometimes garbled lines in place of where the image goes. The files are quite often very large that it is building the image from. Others i build just fine. I suspect it has something to do with transparency or effects applied to layers. I am flattening the image and converting to rgb to try and resolve the issue

This is an example image

This is the high res file 89 megs

This is the code I have tried (2 versions) same results with both
Convert """&Whichfolder&"\"&filename&""" -strip -profile USWebCoatedSWOP.icc -profile sRGB.icc -flatten -thumbnail 250 """&FilePath&"\thumbnails\"&newname&

Convert """&Whichfolder&"\"&filename&""" -colorspace rgb -flatten -thumbnail 250 """&FilePath&"\thumbnails\"&newname&

A appreciate anyones feedback as this has plagued me since Photoshop CS 2.0
