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PDF Trimbox bug

Posted: 2008-03-14T15:32:45-07:00
by theorysavage
Bug description:

-define pdf:use-trimbox=true
is supposed to create a thumbnail of the image where the PDF trimbox is.

-define seems to get the correct trimbox *size*, but the bottom-left origin of the final crop is always 0,0 on the original image, instead being positioned correctly at say, 1/2",1/2". So you end up with too much of the bottom left, and not enough of the top right.

To clarify the importance of this feature: Normally, the trimbox would be created by a page layout program, and it would be the area excluding cropmarks, "bleed", printer's marks, slugs, etc.

To be able to get a clean thumbnail of this final trim area is very important for Printers moving to the web.

Currently (I have IM 6.3.7) but have not heard that this has been fixed in newer versions. Does anyone have familiarity with this issue?