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(BUG?) Problem encoding MPEG-animation from a pile of JPEG's

Posted: 2008-03-13T01:31:06-07:00
by laurik_vertex

I'm having a problem converting a pile of jpegs to mpeg-animation with ImageMagick 6.3.9-Q8.

ImageMagick generates an error message "N must be positive* convert: Delegate failed `mpeg2enc.exe "%i" "%o"'"

I've debugged ImageMagick 6.3.9 on Windows XP SP2, VisualStudio 7.1.3088 and it seems that Image Magick (version 6.3.9 which I tested ) is executing mpeg2enc with wrong parameters.
The N-value that mpeg2enc is complaining about is ok (has value 12) in parameter file generated by ImageMagick.

Image Magick executes the mpeg2enc.exe with the following parameters:
mpeg2enc.exe "PATH_TO_TEMP/magick-EMZiPPWd" "PATH_TO_TEMP/magick-UBa8cAXl"

where PATH_TO_TEMP is my temporary path. The file pointed by first parameter seems to have yuv-stream and the second is the parameter file for mpeg encoder.

However, regarding to the documentation of mpeg2encode, the parameters should be as:
"Usage: mpeg2encode in.par out.m2v"

I tested mpeg2encode with a proper parameter-order and data generated by ImageMagick, and I was able to create a playable mpeg-animation.

Is this a bug, or am I missing something here?

Best regards,


Re: (BUG?) Problem encoding MPEG-animation from a pile of JPEG's

Posted: 2008-03-13T06:32:19-07:00
by magick
We have a patch in ImageMagick 6.3.9-7 Beta to fix the problem you reported. The patch will be available sometime tomorrow. Thanks.