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IPTC conversion failing on JPEGs

Posted: 2008-02-01T07:18:50-07:00
by mwedge
Extracting IPTC from a JPEG using a 'convert' function fails with the error "No 8BIM data available"

Syntax used:
convert test.jpg test.iptc
convert test.jpg IPTC:test.txt
convert text.jpg IPTCTEXT:test.txt

This works with TIFFs, not with JPEGS, and hasn't worked for a long time - though it used to in 5.x as I recall.

One can extract IPTC using identify -format[%IPTC:x:y], but it's very a lengthy process

I've seen posts on this dating back to 2004, but no solutions - is there any hope on the horizon?

Or if it woud break the convert code, then how about a feature like this:
identify -format [%IPTC:2:*] ?
identify -format [%EXIF:*] works fine!

Version: 6.3.7-Q16

Re: IPTC conversion failing on JPEGs

Posted: 2008-02-01T08:55:02-07:00
by magick
We have a patch for the problem you reported in ImageMagick 6.3.8-3, available sometime in the next few days. Thanks for alerting us to this problem.