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IIS 6.0 problems

Posted: 2008-01-16T09:54:53-07:00
by cmedine
Having problems running on IIS 6.0 Server 2003 platform - getting the error:

Can't locate Image/ in @INC (@INC contains: lib C:/Perl/lib C:/Perl/site/lib . ./lib) at C:\PhotoGraving\ImageEditor\pixenate\ line 221, <fh00001C%3A\Documents and Settings\cmedine\My Documents\My Pictures\1_dog.jpg> line 317.

I am using Pixenate (PXN8) which then accesses Image Magick but the support from them is truly lacking - just hoping for some help.

I have run a module to make sure that my webserver will run a Perl script and it works fine until I include the following line:

use Image::Magick;

it then gives error:

CGI Error
The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of HTTP headers.

The website is set to run executables and has Perl/CGI web extensions allowed.

Any ideas ?

Re: IIS 6.0 problems

Posted: 2008-01-24T11:40:59-07:00
by abjones
I just tried to install ImageMagick-6.3.8-1-Q8-windows-dll.exe

This seems to be an install bug under windows.

Got the same problem. There is no "Image" folder found under /perl/site/lib/auto/ as with earlier installations. :shock:

Went back to ImageMagick-6.3.7-10-Q8-windows-dll.exe
and all is fine with that version. :?

Re: IIS 6.0 problems

Posted: 2008-01-24T11:49:32-07:00
by abjones

Just noticed that the new version is for ActiveState Perl version v5.10.0 build 1002

so no wonder it wont install on my Perl 5.8.8

Re: IIS 6.0 problems

Posted: 2008-01-24T12:46:10-07:00
by abjones
OK, I installed ActiveState Perl version v5.10.0 build 1002
and then ImageMagick-6.3.8-1-Q8-windows-dll.exe

Still no go....

The PerlMagick component did not install, but when I manually created perl folders and copied
items from ImageMagick-6.3.8-Q8\PerlMagick\x86\Image-Magick.tar.gz
into appropriate folders under the new Perl folder, then ImageMagick 6.3.8-1 works. :D

So, there seems to be some problem with the install PerlMagick component of ImageMagick-6.3.8-1-Q8-windows-dll.exe

Re: IIS 6.0 problems

Posted: 2008-01-24T13:00:23-07:00
by magick
We cannot reproduce the problem. We installed ActiveState Perl, Build 1002, under Windows NT and then installed ImageMagick 6.3.8-1 Q16 DLL. Next we launched a Command Prompt window and moved to the ImageMagick 6.3.8/PerlMagick/demo folder and typed 'nmake'. The PerlMagick demo scripts ran without complaint.

Re: IIS 6.0 problems

Posted: 2008-01-24T15:04:12-07:00
by abjones
running Windows Server 2003 sp2 I tried install again of both ActiveState Perl version v5.10.0 build 1002 and ImageMagick-6.3.8-1-Q8-windows-dll.exe with continued error.

There are no Image/Magick folders created anywhere under perl. When I create them from ImageMagick-6.3.8-Q8\PerlMagick\x86\Image-Magick.tar.gz then I can run nmake under PerlMagick demo with no errors. :D

During ImageMagick install, the CMD window pops up for, I assume, the PerlMagick installation component, then some ?errror? message starting with "ppm" is flashed too quickly to read before the window is closed. I tried about six times to catch the message, but no luck. :(

So the problem I see is perhaps related to execution of ppm by ImageMagick-install under Windows server 2003 sp2.

Install trys to execute some "cmd" ( to add PerlMagick into installed perl???). Can someone post that command so that I can run it under a non-closing CMD window and catch the error message? Thanks.

Re: IIS 6.0 problems

Posted: 2008-01-25T06:45:56-07:00
by cmedine
I got it to work by installing Perl Magick manually i.e.

Seems the install doesn't properly install Perl Magick but after done manually all is well.

Re: IIS 6.0 problems

Posted: 2008-01-25T09:16:20-07:00
by abjones
from CMD window at IMageMagick-6.3.8-Q8/PerlMagick
I ran (ppm 4.01) "ppm install Image-Magick.ppd" and got:
"ppm install failed: The PPD does not provide code to install for this platform" :(

I then ran "ppm config list" and see on my Windows Server 2003 sp2
arch = MSWin32-x32-multi-thread-5.8 :?

I ran "ppm configure list" and see on my Windows XP Professional Version 2002 SP2
arch = MSWin32-x32-multi-thread-5.10 :?

When I edit the Image-Magick.ppd line
<ARCHITECTURE NAME="MSWin32-x86-multi-thread-5.1" />
on the Server 2003 machine to
<ARCHITECTURE NAME="MSWin32-x86-multi-thread-5.8" />
and on the Win XP machine to
<ARCHITECTURE NAME="MSWin32-x86-multi-thread-5.10" />

then CMD "ppm install Image-Magick.ppd" works properly with no demo nmake errors. :D

Re: IIS 6.0 problems

Posted: 2009-01-23T09:26:32-07:00
by walterhiggins
I'm the developer of Pixenate, the software the original poster refers to.
A few of our customers have reported problems installing PerlMagick on Windows. As the OP says, the problem is hard to detect because while ImageMagick will install fine, the PerlMagick part fails silently.
This is due to a mismatch in the 'Architecture' field in the ImageMagick.ppd file supplied with some builds of ImageMagick for Windows.
The workaround is detailed here... ... tml#im_win

... under the section 'Troubleshooting ImageMagick / PerlMagick Installation on Windows'.

I am sorry to Carrie (cmedine) - the original poster - that we couldn't provide adequate support at the time. Perl and ImageMagick are both independently evolving systems so it can at times be difficult to keep up with problems that arise. We are doing our best to keep our documentation and support up to date.

Walter Higgins.

Re: IIS 6.0 problems

Posted: 2010-01-09T13:02:32-07:00
by mateozzz
I thought I would add my solution.

1. Don't install Perl in Program Files since it appears to have trouble there, probably due to the space in the name. PHP used to have the same problem but they finally fixed it a couple of years ago, I guess Perl is behind the times.

2. If you did install in Program Files, make sure you uninstall and then *delete* the folder before reinstalling in C:\perl.

3. Edit the system path to get rid of references to the old folder.

4. set MAGICK_HOME=c:\perl\site\lib\auto\Image\Magick

5. Put c:\perl\site\lib\auto\Image\Magick in your path

After that, it worked.
