Cannot open a file if filename contains Unicode characters

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Cannot open a file if filename contains Unicode characters

Post by erhhung »

I am using ImageMagick (6.3.6 Q8) on an English version of Windows (2003) and I'm having problems reading image files (using IMDisplay, convert.exe, etc.) if the filename contains non-Latin characters (Chinese). For example, I double-click on a file called "apple.jpg" and IMDisplay shows the image just fine. If I copy that file and give it the name "圖片.jpg", and then double-click on it again, IMDisplay shows the error dialog with the message "C:\Media\Images\??.jpg contains an invalid path."

I also run convert.exe through an application that launches the convert.exe process with filename arguments, and if the input filename contains Unicode characters, I also get an error "convert.exe: missing an image filename ..."
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Re: Cannot open a file if filename contains Unicode characters

Post by magick »

We improved Unicode support in the latest ImageMagick release (6.3.7-8). If that still fails for you try recoding your filename into UTF-8.

Re: Cannot open a file if filename contains Unicode characters

Post by jmunin »


As i comment in the next reply ... =1&t=10342
i have the same problem (using IM 6.3.7-8 with winXp sp2).

And exactly, if i rename españa.gif by espana.gif, or camión.jpg by camion.jpg, solved problem.

But in spain (and other countries), tildes (áéíóú) or Ñ characters are very usual (by example). it's supposed that utf-16 introduction (winxp case) maked possible to use this characters without problems. So, i can't rename all my file names (and file names of others); without (any) intention of offending. ;-)

I beg you other solution, please

Best regards

Re: Cannot open a file if filename contains Unicode characters

Post by jmunin »


A forum user suggest to me try with a previous versions of imagemagick.

I got ImageMagick-5.5.7-Q8-windows-dll, and i tried the example codes with this version, using vista home basic and win xp sp2 (both spanish versions), and works fine!!

this way, i tried with the last version ImageMagick-6.3.8-0-Q8-windows-dll, but fail again (sames errors). Any suggestion?

Thanks for your effort.

Best regards

Re: Cannot open a file if filename contains Unicode characters

Post by jmunin »


I'm just finished to try the last version of imagemagick:


and at last it works with non-ascii filenames!!

For example:

convert logo: ñó#á.miff

works fine!

Thanks a lot for your support.

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Re: Cannot open a file if filename contains Unicode characte

Post by gromas »


Now I install ImageMagick-6.6.7-Q8 and have same problem with Russian characters on Windows XP SP3.
Can anyone help me to resolve this bug?

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