TIFF w/ alpha -> EPS doesn't work

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TIFF w/ alpha -> EPS doesn't work

Post by pdavis »

I used the following command (ImageMagick 6.3.4) to convert a TIFF (with an alpha mask) to an EPS:

convert BigE-masked.tif eps3:BigE-masked.eps

The resulting EPS file looks corrupted, with alternating horizontal bands of opaque and transparent image. Here's what an opaque and a transparent image look like, side by side:


The original input TIFF and output EPS files are here:

http://flexweb2.pageflex.com/engsup/pda ... masked.tif
http://flexweb2.pageflex.com/engsup/pda ... masked.eps
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Re: TIFF w/ alpha -> EPS doesn't work

Post by magick »

We tried your command with the latest ImageMagick release, 6.3.7-1, and it works as expected.

Re: TIFF w/ alpha -> EPS doesn't work

Post by pdavis »

magick wrote:We tried your command with the latest ImageMagick release, 6.3.7-1, and it works as expected.
Thanks. I'll try that.


Re: TIFF w/ alpha -> EPS doesn't work

Post by pdavis »

Yup, this does indeed appear to be fixed in 6.3.7.

Thank you!

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