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Multiscene files incorrectly reported

Posted: 2007-11-09T07:45:26-07:00
by seanburke1979
Using a Q16 build of IM-6.3.6-9 on Gentoo Linux.
I am using the following command to get the number of frames from a multiframe tiff file:
identify -format "%[fx:n]" Cube001.tif
What gets reported back is:
Instead of the 21 that I am expecting.
This is not a string problem - image_info->number_scenes is actually being reported as this number. I know this because if I try to convert the file, I get an out-of-memory error when it tries to dimension the target. It is also not limited to TIFFs, I have tried it with multilayer IPL files too with the same results.

The tiff (21 frames, grayscale) ... ube001.tif
The ipl (21 frames, grayscale) ... ube001.ipl



Re: Multiscene files incorrectly reported

Posted: 2007-11-09T11:06:33-07:00
by magick
The command is working correctly. You are asking for the number of images in the sequence for each of the images in the sequence. You can add \n to the -fx option to separate the answer with a carriage return:
  • identify -format "%[fx:n]\n" Cube001.tif

Re: Multiscene files incorrectly reported

Posted: 2007-11-09T11:11:12-07:00
by seanburke1979
Ahh, ok. Thanks!