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convert PS to PNG transparency problem

Posted: 2007-11-09T01:15:04-07:00
by vitty

I use the image magick to convert PS file to PNG image.
We updated the IM to the newest version for new features. But now, we have problem with transparency in convert method. The background is now white instead transparency.
there is the code:
exec("convert -channel RGBA -density 244 ".$sFilePSPath."'[0]' -bordercolor none -border 0 ".$sFilePNGPath."",$output);

We updated from version 6.2.8 to the version 6.3.6
Detail info about version from phpinfo:
ImageMagick version ImageMagick 6.3.6 11/07/07 Q16
ImageMagick release date 11/07/07

Another similar problem. If I try to set opacity on transparent image (PNG image), then the image has white background.
I use setImageOpacity method from imagick.

Thanks for help
