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Re: swap colors/channels

Posted: 2012-09-23T18:50:12-07:00
by Tosyk
anthony wrote:Thye look like cell bit order was reversed. Perhaps the alpha channel is not being decoded in-correctly for .dds files
Alpha is hard to see, and it may have slipped under the radar, by the developer of that codec.
thank for looking into my issue :D
anthony wrote:turning off any multi-threading
how to do that? it's a grapphic card or windows?

Re: swap colors/channels

Posted: 2012-09-23T18:51:41-07:00
by Tosyk
okay i will migrate into bugs section, thanks

Re: swap colors/channels

Posted: 2013-01-01T21:18:38-07:00
by anthony
One final question...
What is with the 'game of life' cellular automata patterns on the original postings?
It seems out of place.