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Re: Animated GIF doesn't work in IE

Posted: 2009-08-07T20:03:56-07:00
by anthony
The easier dif by the way is to use -layers TrimBounds

See the previous example link (just above it) and/or
Bounds Trimming - automatic canvas size correction

This will expand/shrink the virtual canvas and image offsets so ALL the images are fully drawable on the virtual canvas. However it will not 'center' the images on that canvas :-)

Re: Animated GIF doesn't work in IE

Posted: 2009-08-08T08:25:20-07:00
by gregory
Try downloading and look at my example from ... e_relative

Specifically the animation... ... offset.gif
404 Not Found. :-)

Re: Animated GIF doesn't work in IE

Posted: 2009-08-10T05:20:03-07:00
by gregory
Surely I tried to click them directly. I'm not a lamer. :-)
The requested URL /Usage/im/anim_mods/ was not found on this server.

Re: Animated GIF doesn't work in IE

Posted: 2009-08-10T20:38:28-07:00
by anthony
Apologies. You are right it is my fault. I'll go back and fix, and delete previosu post.

In the mean time remove the "/im/" sub-directory component. that is use for my test site not the official site.

Re: Animated GIF doesn't work in IE

Posted: 2009-08-11T09:23:57-07:00
by gregory
This animaton in IE8 has only first and second frame. Third and fourth frames have dissappeared.

Re: Animated GIF doesn't work in IE

Posted: 2009-08-12T20:07:46-07:00
by anthony
Well then it is ANY sub-frame that draws outside the display areas that will fail with IE.

I shall make a note of it!