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Posted: 2006-05-25T00:45:28-07:00
by anthony
All IM operators are applied to all images in sequence. The exceptions are generally obvious as they use mulitple images. The only special one is -geometry with was defined as being a resize for the last image only.

Basically all operators work on all images in memory. You can limit the effect to just a specific image by creating a seperate image sequence using parenthesis.

See Basics, and 'Frame-byFrame' modification in Animation Modifications.

Posted: 2006-05-26T04:39:08-07:00
by abhishekv1

I am getting a very good output now. The file size of the resized animations are optimized enough.
But I have still one confusion that has foxed me.
I have written a script in Php for an interface which lets you enter the dimensions and the program generates the resized content using ImageMagick.
When I fired these two commands via script and commandline seperately, I got output with diff file sizes:

to convert 375x500 to 240x320 :-

/usr/local/bin/convert 'PartyBaloon_375x500.gif' -coalesce -antialias -scale 240x320! \( -clone 0--1 -append -colors 256 -write 'colormap_240x320.gif' +delete \) -map 'colormap_240x320.gif' -layers optimize 'PartyBaloon_240x320.gif'
/usr/local/bin/gifsicle -b --careful -O2 'PartyBaloon_240x320.gif'

The same command via script gives me 236KB
The same command via commandline gives me 215KB.

That's 21KB less
Can you understand why there should be the difference?
