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Re: How to combine 2 images?

Posted: 2018-10-07T10:56:42-07:00
by imanasya
Thank you, snibgo. I did what you suggested and it looks like it works, but I'm not sure that I did everything right. Can you look at this code? I tried to do Fred's line only if (w1>h1 & w2<h2):

Code: Select all

@echo off&setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=:" %%x in ('convert 0.jpg -fuzz 2%% -trim +repage -format %%w:%%h +write info: tmp0.png') do set a/ w1=%%x&set a/ h1=%%y
for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=:" %%x in ('convert 1.jpg -fuzz 2%% -trim +repage -format %%w:%%h +write info: tmp0.png') do set a/ w2=%%x&set a/ h2=%%y

if !h1! LSS !w1! (
  if !w2! LSS !h2! (
    magick 0.jpg 1.jpg -fuzz 2%% -trim +repage -set option:dim "%%[fx:max(max(u.w,v.w),max(u.h,v.h))]" -filter Catrom -resize "%%[dim]x%%[dim]" -unsharp 0x1+0.8+0.05 -background white -gravity center -append -quality 100 combined.jpg
) else (
  magick 0.jpg -fuzz 2%% -trim +repage -quality 100 first.jpg
Is it possible not to create temp files like tmp0.png?

Re: How to combine 2 images?

Posted: 2018-10-07T11:11:18-07:00
by snibgo
If you don't want to save the result, use "NULL:" as the output.

Re: How to combine 2 images?

Posted: 2018-10-07T11:17:57-07:00
by imanasya
It works, thanks

Re: How to combine 2 images?

Posted: 2018-10-07T11:32:09-07:00
by imanasya
One last question: If I would use -write info: NULL in this line

Code: Select all

for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=:" %%x in ('convert 0.jpg -fuzz 2%% -trim +repage -format %%w:%%h +write info: NULL') do set a/ w1=%%x&set a/ h1=%%y
Does that mean that -fuzz 2%% -trim +repage would done twice:

Code: Select all

for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=:" %%x in ('convert 0.jpg -fuzz 2%% -trim +repage -format %%w:%%h +write info: NULL') do set a/ w1=%%x&set a/ h1=%%y
and here:

Code: Select all

magick 0.jpg 1.jpg -fuzz 2%% -trim +repage -set option:dim "%%[fx:max(max(u.w,v.w),max(u.h,v.h))]" -filter Catrom -resize "%%[dim]x%%[dim]" -unsharp 0x1+0.8+0.05 -background white -gravity center -append -quality 100 combined.jpg

Re: How to combine 2 images?

Posted: 2018-10-07T13:02:41-07:00
by snibgo
Yes. But if you write the first to a file, then the second can read that file so it doesn't repeat the work.

Re: How to combine 2 images?

Posted: 2018-10-08T01:01:39-07:00
by imanasya
Thank you