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Re: Infinite mutex lock wait in "convert"

Posted: 2013-01-22T06:46:50-07:00
by lobster_johnson
Thanks. Sent.

Re: Infinite mutex lock wait in "convert"

Posted: 2013-01-22T06:51:18-07:00
by lobster_johnson
Your domain doesn't like Gmail ("554 554 5.7.1 Rejected found in (state 12)"), so I have sent you a PM here with the link.

Re: Infinite mutex lock wait in "convert"

Posted: 2013-01-22T07:18:07-07:00
by magick
Some IP's from GMail gets blocked temporarily when there are lots of spam going from it. It will unblock likely later today. In the mean-time we're downloading from your link. Stand by.

Re: Infinite mutex lock wait in "convert"

Posted: 2013-01-22T08:04:17-07:00
by magick
The problem is the time out. The patch we discussed earlier will prevent the thread lock. However, one more patch is required to prevent the 'unable to destroy semaphore' exception message. We'll get that into the next point release of ImageMagick, however, you are safe to use ImageMagick-6.8.1-10. It will not thread lock.

Re: Infinite mutex lock wait in "convert"

Posted: 2013-01-22T08:08:47-07:00
by lobster_johnson
Thank you. Looking forward to getting 6.8.1-10 into production.