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Re: bug caption with PANGO IM

Posted: 2012-03-19T10:50:07-07:00
by fmw42
I presume all the patches are for as my original post still fails for

Re: bug caption with PANGO IM

Posted: 2012-03-27T19:20:12-07:00
by fmw42
IM Q16 Mac OSX Snow Leopard

# this one works again
convert -background lightblue -fill blue -font Candice -pointsize 40 \
-size 320x -gravity Center caption:'ImageMagick Rules OK!' \

# this one produces a centered text, but it is black and not blue
convert -background lightblue -fill blue -font Candice -pointsize 40 \
-size 320x -gravity Center pango:'ImageMagick Rules OK!' \

So color is not yet working right in pango:

P.S. Also there are no docs for pango on the options page at ... ptions.php

Re: bug caption with PANGO IM

Posted: 2012-03-27T19:39:20-07:00
by anthony
fmw42 wrote: So color is not yet working right in pango:
That is coming, according to what Cristy has mentioned to me.
P.S. Also there are no docs for pango on the options page at ... ptions.php
There won't be either. pango: is a coder (image generator), not an operation or setting.
When things have settled I'll add it to the Text to Image Handling page of IM Examples.

Note that few of the things I detail about for label: or caption: are in Im reference pages either!
Really the 'formats' page should use a expansion so extra notes about specific coders are explained, perhaps as a multi-column span line below the entry rather than in the limited column space to the right.

Re: bug caption with PANGO IM

Posted: 2012-03-27T20:03:35-07:00
by fmw42
P.S. Also there are no docs for pango on the options page at ... ptions.php
There won't be either. pango: is a coder (psuedo image generator), not an operation or setting.
When things have settled I'll add it to the Text to Image Handling page of IM Examples.
Yes, you are right. I had forgotten about that.

But I see now that pango: is explained at

But I see that show: is not listed there.

Re: bug caption with PANGO IM

Posted: 2012-03-27T20:21:50-07:00
by anthony
fmw42 wrote:But I see that show: is not listed there.
Their are a few documentation errors. "preview:" is not really used. "clipboard:" is shown as a file-format (as well as correctly as a psuedo-format. and a few other things.

However "show:" is not a coder, but a "spawning delegate" for the "display" program (spawning = backgrounding)

EG: it is defined in "delegates.xml" and not as a 'coder' module.

I myself also have a "remote:" spawning delegate that 'updates' a currently running "display" program.
If no display is running it will run one, but generates an error message in the process: -(

One of my ToDo items in IMv7 is to fix a definaite 'slowness' in the delegage spawning process. Their is not need for it to take 2 to 3 seconds to 'spawn' as background process, and still ensure that program has read its input image.

Re: bug caption with PANGO IM

Posted: 2012-03-27T21:05:32-07:00
by fmw42
Unfortunately I don't know the differences. So I look at everything (from a functionality rather than coding point of view) that ends with a colon ":" as either a pattern, built-in image format or pseudo-image format.

Re: bug caption with PANGO IM

Posted: 2012-03-27T21:56:41-07:00
by anthony
Pango color formating is now working, at least for IM v6.7.6-3. You do not need to set the pango:markup define, as this is on by default.

Denisty control for the font Pango uses is also working.

Note that font selection is not, and I have a feeling you can not control this as pango uses multiple font libraries for bold, and italic selections.

I have not tried any of the other pango defines listed in the documentation (or in the coder itself).

Re: bug caption with PANGO IM

Posted: 2012-03-28T01:00:50-07:00
by anthony
I have uploaded (appear in an hour of so) some initial pango examples.