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Re: montage not working

Posted: 2011-05-04T15:20:17-07:00
by fmw42
After installing a delegate, you should re-install IM.


convert -list configure

see what you have in the line starting with DELEGATES. For example in mine, I have

DELEGATES bzlib fftw fontconfig freetype gs jpeg jng jp2 lcms2 lqr lzma mpeg openexr png rsvg tiff x11 xml zlib

Apart from that, I am not a unix guru and don't know much about Linux. I am using Mac OSX and IM installed manually from source after installing all the above delegates.

Also again I would recommend using the correct IM 6 syntax with the input images right after montage or convert, etc

montage in1 in2 ...argument... result


However, I suspect you just don't have IM seeing your delegates. Are you installing IM in the usual location /usr/local/bin and your delegates in the same directory structure? Perhaps you need to modify your .profile file or PATH such that IM knows where to look, if your delegates and IM are not in the same path.

Re: montage not working

Posted: 2011-05-05T03:06:03-07:00
by bertiec
Progess!! I had been re-running only the final part (make intall) of IM. This time I did the lot
(./configure ; make ; make install ) Now this is what I get from my montage command:

bertie@ubuntu:~$ montage -geometry +4+40 -tile 1x pesach2.jpeg rpesach1.jpeg result.jpeg
montage: unable to open image `pesach2.jpeg': @ error/blob.c/OpenBlob/2587.
montage: unable to open image `rpesach1.jpeg': @ error/blob.c/OpenBlob/2587.
montage: missing an image filename `result.jpeg' @ error/montage.c/MontageImageCommand/1746.

So it seems I must install the latest OpenBlob. - One more (we hope) bit of help needed.

Re: montage not working

Posted: 2011-05-05T09:09:47-07:00
by fmw42
I still believe it is your delegates. It is saying it cannot open your jpeg files.

What do you get from

convert -list configure

Look at the line starting with DELEGATES. If it does not include jpg, then you must install the jpg delegate and re-install IM or tell IM where the jpg delegate resides. See my notes above.

Re: montage not working

Posted: 2011-05-06T05:43:54-07:00
by bertiec
This is the relevant line from the output of both 'convert -list configure'
and also 'montage -list configure':

DELEGATES bzlib jpeg mpeg

the 'bzlib' is probably the result of an earlier mistake on my part
which resulted in the Linux executable, bunzip2, being in /usr/local/bin.
(I don't think that matters. What matters is the two media format names,
jpeg and mpeg.)

Besides the sources that I downloaded 'delegates' also appears in another
full path string:-


I doubt whether this is helpful except to indicate that my re-installations
may have completed with at least partial success. I don't know why other
image formats did not get diplayed - such as jpg, png, gif, tiff etc.

I don't know what positive thing to do.

Re: montage not working

Posted: 2011-05-06T09:24:48-07:00
by fmw42
png, tiff, etc don't show up because you did not install those delegates.

Regarding your issue, if jpg is listed, then I don't know why you are getting your errors. Some one more knowledgeable than I would have to help further at this point. Sorry I cannot help further as I am not an expert on Linux or installations.

Re: montage not working

Posted: 2011-05-06T11:47:19-07:00
by bertiec
Hooray! Montage worked this time. Many thanks for your help, fwm42.

What did it? You may ask:

I went back to give it one more try with my two .jpeg input files.

I did this because of your remark that jpg was not in the delegates list.
Well I knew that, and I knew that jpeg WAS in the delegates list.

I had gone over to using the two .jpg files some time ago because those are
only thumbnail size (64x48) and my first thought was that things were
taking too long with my original inputs (2048x1536).

I think the final problem was that after the jpeg delegate install I did
not recompile IM but merely repeated the 'make install' step.

Actually the execution wasn't error free as the following copy/paste lines
show, but I'm not really worried about that:

bertie@ubuntu:~/Desktop$ montage -geometry +4+40 -tile 1x pesach2.jpeg rpesach1.jpeg result.jpeg
montage: delegate library support not built-in `/usr/share/fonts/type1/gsfonts/n019003l.pfb' (Freetype) @ warning/annotate.c/RenderFreetype/1521.
montage: no decode delegate for this image format `/tmp/magick-GJ15E74E-00000001' @ error/constitute.c/ReadImage/532.
montage: Postscript delegate failed `/tmp/magick-mgd2libI': @ error/ps.c/ReadPSImage/806.

Thankyou again. I'll be doing this kind of thing quite a lot to get two or sometimes four pics printed
on a photo-quality A4 sheet. If it only works with jpeg rather than jpg, png etc., that's fine.

Re: montage not working

Posted: 2011-05-06T12:04:58-07:00
by fmw42
Your errors are because you need to install freetype delegate so that montage can annotate images if needed. Same issue. Install freetype, then re-install IM.