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Re: Identify does not display any result for bmp

Posted: 2009-06-09T15:37:48-07:00
by fmw42
I don't know the answer about whether convert -format "%m" info: is more computationally burdensome that identify -format "%m".

I would doubt it was much. But hopefully Magick or Anthony can answer that question.

I still have no idea why you are the only one having this difficulty with that bmp image!

You likely can also add -ping to either to improve performance and then it might be able to get the %m without having to read the whole file, just the header. But again, that is a question for Magick or Anthony. But I doubt it hurts to add it. see

Re: Identify does not display any result for bmp

Posted: 2009-06-09T15:58:51-07:00
by sim123
I am struggling with same issue, that why no one has this problem. When I switch to older version of IM (6.4.6-8) this problem no longer exists, so I would say there can not be any problem with my environment or Java for bmp images.

I would try to test identify on different version and wait for confirmation on convert overhead for now.

Thanks for the help.

Re: Identify does not display any result for bmp

Posted: 2009-06-11T14:18:33-07:00
by sim123
Can Anthony or Magick please confirm fmw42's suggestion, I would appreciate it.


Re: Identify does not display any result for bmp

Posted: 2009-06-11T18:19:24-07:00
by anthony
The '%m' should return the images 'format' that IM determined while reading it it. a identify -ping should be able to get that information without needing to fully decode the image.

however going back over this, and to the original discussion topic, I can't find the link to the BMP image that is causing all the problems.

Were we able to discount the possibility of multiple versions being installed?